Thank you for visiting the ACE Service! If you’re new to the service, please take a look at the short films on the right to find out more.
The ACE (Ambulatory Care Experience) Service provides an alternative to hospital referral or admission for children and young people with common acute illnesses like asthma.
Children and young people (CYP) can be referred to the service from Primary Care, as well as the Accident and Emergency Department and Children’s Clinical Decision Area at Bradford Royal Infirmary (ward 32).
Virtual ward
CYP who meet pathway criteria are looked after at home under the care of a nurse and on-call consultant paediatrician in a ‘virtual ward’. The paediatrician takes clinical responsibility for the CYP from the time of referral.
If you would like to refer a child who meets pathway criteria, please click on the relevant pathway icon at the top of this page and follow the referral crib sheet. For assistance please call us on 01274 273354 between 8:30am-8:30pm seven days a week.
Doctors and ANPs in secondary care who wish to refer a child onto one of these pathways should use the relevant icon above and follow the referral crib sheet.