What do we do?

We are a specialist service that is commissioned to assess the mobility and posture of a person and where they physically struggle to mobilise. We then check if they are entitled to equipment on the NHS due to the level support required and what equipment best meets someone’s clinical need. We provide a service to people of all ages and assess patients in clinic and in the community.

We are a small team of consisting of a Physiotherapist, and Occupational Therapist, Associate Practitioner, Therapy assistant, a Rehabilitation Engineer and a small admin team. We run numerous clinics, including special seating and therapy clinics, and offer environmental visits and home appointments where appropriate.  We also work with a number of services including social services, district nurses, hospital wards and community teams, to ensure the equipment provided meets clinical need.

If someone is entitled to equipment, we aim to provide this within 18 weeks of the referral. This maybe via a direct issue following a triage call, or there maybe a couple of appointments we will need to arrange depending on the equipment and level of need. This will all be communicated with you.

For further information regarding our service please see our Welcome Booklet which explains our service in depth.

Guidance on Assessment & Provision of Wheelchairs & Associated Equipment

The Document: a regionally agreed document produce by Yorkshire and the Humber Wheelchair Service Managers Group to provide general guidance for wheelchairs service when developing their local eligibility criteria in conjunction with the service commissioners and local users.

Self Referral

We welcome referrals from health professionals, we are now also happy to receive a self-referral.  Please note all referrals are checked against NHS criteria (please refer to the welcome booklet).

The Self Referral Form.

Once we have received a referral, we will be in contact by text so please ensure that your number is up to date with Wheelchair services or if you are unable to receive a text please call us and we will arrange another method to communicate with you.

Please do not use the Self-Referral link if you are needing a repair, please call to reception.

Where to find us

Opening times: Monday to Friday 0800 to 1600


Bradford Wheelchair Services
Unit 1
Four Lanes Business Park
Cemetery Road

Telephone: 01274 322555

Bradford Wheelchair Services