Providing digital education packages to our patients, provider partners and clinicians will allow them to quickly access information about patients’ conditions as well as the different services offered by the Trust, GPs and other health and care providers across Bradford District and Craven.

Dr Paul Sainsbury one of our Consultant Cardiologists told us:

“Digital technology offers us a great opportunity to improve patient management and make better use of our healthcare resources by being able to communicate and educate patients, their carers and healthcare professionals.

We are going to build on the excellent online communication and education modules that we already have in place in specialties such as Cardiology so that every specialty across the Trust is able to offer a comprehensive suite of modules.

This will allow for patients and carers to use healthcare resources more efficiently to self-manage their health conditions and enhance their quality of life. Hopefully, this may mean that they don’t need to come into hospital as often.

Our challenge is to create these modules in a manner that is informative, easily understood and effective in all cultural groups”

Useful links

Paul Sainsbury video consultation

Other ambitions