• Visiting rules eased at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

    VISITING guidelines at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have been eased.

    A patient on the Trust’s green or non-COVID wards – who has been in hospital for seven days or more – can have two hour-long visits per week from a single named visitor.

    The new rule applies to Bradford Royal Infirmary, St Luke’s Hospital, and Westbourne Green and Westwood Park community hospitals.

    Mel Pickup, Chief Executive, said: “I’m pleased to announce that from 10 June, Bradford Teaching Hospitals was able to re-start visiting for patients who have been in hospital seven days or longer, on green areas only. This is in line with national guidance and easing of some restrictions on social contact and movement.

    Positive step

    “I appreciate that it’s been especially hard for patients who have a longer stay in hospital but haven’t been able to have direct contact with their loved ones, so this is a really positive step forward.

    “Despite this change, it’s still critical that we maintain the highest standards of infection control; keep social distancing and wear masks when not in COVID-safe areas.”

    Exceptions remain for patients receiving end-of-life care and those who have specific care needs being met by family or carers.

    Karen Dawber, Chief Nurse, said: “I understand how challenging it has been for friends and family not to see their loved ones over recent months and so we are pleased that current circumstances mean we can partially ease the restrictions and allow one visitor per patient who have been hospitalised for seven days or more to visit for an hour twice a week.

    Remain vigilant

    “We have always had arrangements in place for exceptional circumstances and these will continue. I would stress that we would ask visitors to our Trust to remain vigilant as I do need to stress that COVID-19 has not gone away and is still in our hospitals and the community, so ensuring visitors stick to the current rules on social distancing and practice stringent hand hygiene is absolutely essential.”

    Separate arrangements remain in place for visitors of maternity and paediatric patients.

    The Trust is also urging visitors not to attend if they are showing any signs of symptoms of COVID-19, including a high temperature, persistent cough or loss of taste and smell.

    The Trust’s position on visiting is under constant review and may be subject to change at any time.

    More information on visiting can be found on the Trust’s website.