• Update to visiting restrictions at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

    Visiting restrictions at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have now been updated.

    Most visiting remains suspended at all our hospitals to help keep our patients and staff safe. However, exceptions to this rule have now been updated. They now apply to: 

    • End-of-life care: Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust will continue to support end-of-life visits, difficult conversation support, and support carers to attend where the patient needs physical or cognitive support
    • Paediatric wards: Two parents or carers can now swap in and out to visit or stay with children on our paediatric wards
    • Labour Ward and Birth Centre: A birth partner can stay for the duration of labour in our Labour Ward and Birth Centre. This person is not interchangeable. M3 and M4 patients may have one-hour visits at pre-arranged times from 1-5pm – except on the day of discharge – from one dedicated person, the birth partner
    • Prenatal scans: Women will be allowed to have one adult with them for the first dating ultrasound at around 12 weeks. This person should ideally be the birthing partner or from the same household or bubble
    • AED Department supportive visits: One visitor will be allowed to be present where the patient is being treated in the resuscitation area or the High Dependency Unit of the Accident and Emergency Department
    • In addition: In June Bradford Teaching Hospitals reviewed national guidance and introduced visiting for inpatients who have been in hospital for over 21 days. Each patient will have one allocated visitor who can visit for one hour twice a week on most wards – some wards will remain fully restricted to protect our patients and visitors. Please check with the ward before visiting – every visitor must undergo a risk assessment.

    Further details on exceptional visiting circumstances can be found here.

    As a Trust we will continue to review these restrictions every two-to-three weeks or as national guidance changes.

    A telephone information line is currently taking calls for relatives concerned about inpatients on Ward 4, 20, 31 and A&E. Please call 01274 272747, from 10:15am to 5:30pm (including bank holidays). Click here for more information on the relatives’ telephone information line.

    Please note: Visitors to Bradford Teaching Hospitals under exceptional circumstances and people attending outpatients’ appointments must now wear a face mask at all times to protect them and others from coronavirus. It is important to wear your mask safely. For more information on how to do so, please see videos in English here and Urdu here.