EVERY Thursday evening, during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, our wonderful communities stood on their doorsteps and clapped for the NHS and other key workers.
Now it’s our turn to return that gesture of appreciation. So tomorrow, Thursday, 3 December at 4.30pm, Trust staff will take part in a ‘Clap for the Community’ outside the main entrance at Bradford Royal Infirmary, near to A&E.
Our communities also showed their gratitude for the NHS by displaying images of rainbows. Now we want to ‘reflect’ those rainbows back, too.
As a token of our gratitude, also tomorrow, we will be lighting our main entrance at BRI and our Women’s and Newborn Unit in a changing rainbow of colours.
Key buildings in Bradford – including City Hall – are also going to be floodlit.
Thank you for your support. It means the world to our staff.