• Can you help us improve the district’s air quality on Clean Air Day?

    Well Bradford is today backing Clean Air Day – the UK’s largest air pollution campaign – by asking the district’s residents to make a pledge and help improve air quality.

    This could include not idling your car while waiting, using public transport more often or not driving short distances if possible.

    A community health programme hosted by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT), Well Bradford is now working alongside partners including the Born in Bradford research programme, University of Bradford, Bradford Council and local schools to improve the air we all breathe.

    Zulfi Karim, Well Bradford Programme Director, said: “Clean Air day is a fantastic collaboration between our health partners across the city.

    “Air pollution is a major challenge for us all and we must all play our part in making a difference by raising awareness and better understanding the effects on health and well-being throughout our district, so we can then better plan for the future.

    “Well Bradford is committed to supporting initiatives that promote healthy places and green spaces. Our innovative approach aims to support and nourish working partnerships to raise the profile of this global issue.”

    What’s happening? 

    Events taking place today include Well Bradford, Bradford Council, and the University of Bradford working with SCORE (Smart Cities Open Data Re-Use) and Shipley Church of England Primary School to create technology to identify air pollution levels, and a series of ‘no vehicle idling’ campaigns alongside busy routes.

    Well Bradford staff have also carried out a travel questionnaire at BTHFT, urged hospital staff to leave the car at home and use public transport, and launched a Twitter campaign calling on people to make their own pledge and help cut air pollution.

    Nicola Roth, Headteacher at Lilycroft Primary School, Manningham, located close to the Trust’s Westbourne Green Community Hospital, said Clean Air Day had helped prompt her school to examine the issue of air pollution.

    She said: “This week the children at Lilycroft have been working with the Born in Bradford team to monitor the air quality in school.

    “The children wanted to know if being next to a busy main road was affecting the air quality. They have fastidiously recorded the results three times a day. First impressions show that air pollution is pretty poor at lunchtimes. The next challenge is to find out why!”

    Other Bradford schools have also received air quality monitors, and electronic message boards are being used throughout the district to raise awareness of air quality.

    How to get involved

    There are lots of simple things you can do to get involved too. For example:

    • Don’t idle your car while waiting – particularly outside schools. Switch off your engine if you’re stopped for a minute or more
    • Use public transport or car share more
    • Consider a less polluting car when changing vehicles – a petrol car for a diesel; an electric or hybrid car for a petrol car
    • Walk or cycle more when taking shorter journeys to shops and schools
    • Limit the use of wood-burning stoves if possible
    • Share your pledges on social media alongside the hashtag #CleanAirDay

    Well Bradford will also be talking to staff at BTHFT throughout the day to encourage individuals to make their own air quality pledge.

    Poor air quality is estimated to contribute to more than 40,000 premature deaths across the country each year, with emissions from vehicles estimated to cost £6 billion annually to the NHS and society.

    For more information on the campaign, follow us on Twitter @WellBradford or contact us at zulfi.karim@bthft.nhs.uk

    More information on Well Bradford is also available at: https://www.bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk/well-bradford/