• The gender pay gap at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

    Following government consultation, it became mandatory on March 31, 2017 for public sector organisations with more than 250 employees to report annually on their gender pay gap (GPG).

    The new reporting requirements for public bodies are set out in the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017. We need to report our data by March 30, 2018 on the Government’s online reporting service, as well as on our own website.

    Across Yorkshire and Humber, NHS Human Resource Directors agreed to coordinate the publication of all Trusts GPG on March 8 (International Women’s Day).

    Colleagues from the National Electronic Staff Record (ESR) team developed a tool that helps Trusts to calculate their GPG data.

    This paper includes detailed information about calculating GPG. Our headline figures are as follows:

    • GPG is 27.26 per cent
    • Bonus pay gap is 45.76 per cent
    • Males are slightly over-represented in quartile 1 (lowest paid staff) but females are significantly under-represented in quartile 4 (highest paid staff)

    Please click here for the full report on the gender pay gap at Bradford Teaching Hospitals.