We are the Tobacco Dependency Team, and we are here to support adult inpatients (aged 16+ and having had at least 1 overnight stay) with free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and behavioural support. We can also refer, on discharge, to a community-based stop smoking service for further support. We will see all current or recent ex-smokers (smoked in the last 14 days) patients to offer our support.
Being in hospital is a significant event in someone’s life which we understand can be very worrying and this along with the pressure of nicotine withdrawal cravings can cause additional distress. Stopping smoking or being unable to smoke whilst in hospital is extremely difficult, particularly when a patient is feeling unwell. Therefore, to help with this, throughout their hospital stay, and alongside behavioural support we can provide complimentary nicotine replacement therapy which includes nicotine patches, inhalators, lozenges, or gum.
For continued support after discharge, we can also refer to a community-based stop smoking services as evidence shows a smoker is three times more likely to stop smoking with specialist support. In addition to behavioural treatment with regular support calls, our community services can provide nicotine replacement therapy and this specialist support is available as a 12-week program to suit you.