Congratulations on your pregnancy.
By completing this form you are arranging your maternity care at Bradford Women’s and Newborn Unit.  You can choose to birth your baby at home or in the hospital, when you meet your midwife you can discuss your choices further.
To avoid a delay in your care please make sure you complete all mandatory fields.
If you have any difficulties understanding or completing this form please contact your GP surgery to make a referral for you.

    Maternity Self Referral with Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust's Maternity services.

    Fields marked with * are required

    If you wish to birth your baby in Airedale NHS Foundation Trust please call the single point of access to self-refer on 01535 292411. All your care throughout pregnancy, birth and after birth will be provided by Airedale maternity services.

    You do NOT need to complete this form.

    If you wish to birth your baby in Bradford Women's and Newborn unit please continue to complete our online self-referral form.

    You MUST also refer directly to Calderdale, please visit Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS trust's webpage.

    Alongside this form, please self-refer to Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust via

    This referral form is for homebirth in Bradford area only

    If you wish to birth your baby in any other hospital , but live in Bradford and wish to have pregnancy and after birth care from Bradford midwives please ask your GP to refer you to them and continue to complete the self-referral form.

    Find your NHS number (This link provides help finding your NHS number)

    Are you completing this form on behalf of someone?

    Do you need an interpreter?*

    accessible Do you have any access requirements we need to be aware of*

    Do you give your consent for us to use these telephone numbers?*

    Do you give consent for us to share information with other health professionals involved in your care?*

    Have you had a positive pregnancy test?*

    Do you know when your last menstrual period (LMP) was*

    Would you consider birthing your baby at home or would like more information about this?

    Previous Pregnancy History



    Is this your first pregnancy?*


    Previous Medical History



    Do you have diabetes?

    Do you have breathing problems such as severe asthma?

    Do you have epilepsy?

    Have you had an ectopic pregnancy?

    Do you have high blood pressure?

    Do you have heart disease?

    Do you have kidney disease?

    Do you have mental health problems?

    Have you had a blood clot in your legs or lungs, eg. DVT?

    Do you have a blood disorder, eg. Sickle cell or thalassaemia?

    Do you have any other conditions you need to see a GP or consultant about?

    Do you take any regular medication?

    Is there anything else you think we need to know about you?

    Social Services History



    Do you currently have or have you previously had any involvement with Social Services?

    Contact Preferences

    Can we send letters to your address?

    A confirmation email will be sent to this address


    Thank you NAME we have now received your self-referral.  Please do not make another self-referral as we will contact you within 14 days to start your maternity care.  If you have any problems, pain or bleeding please contact your GP surgery, NHS 111 Service or A&E if very urgent.


    It is recommended that you take 0.4mg folic acid daily as early as possible in your pregnancy to help with your baby’s nervous system development.  These are readily available in pharmacies and supermarkets.


    This online form is a new way to get in touch with Maternity Services, we value your feedback and would like to hear what you think about this self-referral form.  Help us to improve our service by answering 5 short questions by HERE.  Thank you.