How the hospital recovery starts:

We have added two sections below that we hope you will find helpful to support your rehabilitation. The first section provides some of our approved and recommended websites that help you to explore the topic further. Read our guidance about what the site link contains to decide if this will be helpful to you. If it is then, please click on the link. Remember it will open in a new tab on your web browser, so you can toggle between these advisory sites and our main web page.

The other section is a series of frequently asked questions that people often raise with us about their rehabilitation. Click on the question to show the answer.

Breathing pattern disorders are referred to as BPDs. They are abnormal respiratory patterns specifically related to over-breathing. They range from simple upper chest breathing to, at the end of the scale, hyperventilation.

A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

PBDP logo

Physiotherapy for Breathing Pattern Disorder

Breathing is essential to life and occurs naturally with very little or no thought. There are many reasons why our breathing can lose its natural rhythm. Access the website below for more information.

NHS logo


Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future. Access the website below for more information.

Answering some of your questions about Dysfunctional breathing pattern

What is a dysfunctional breathing pattern?

Breathing pattern disorder is an altered rhythm, rate or pace of breathing that has existed for a period of time causing you to breathe beyond what your body requires. This can occur with physical exertion, strong smells, cold weather, stress or other triggers. People tend to breathe quickly through the mouth, hold their shoulders elevated and breathe using the upper chest. This can cause symptoms of hyperventilation.
You may notice chest and throat tightness, chest pain around the breast bone and breathlessness. Approximately 6-12% of the population experience chronic breathing pattern disorders, but some people are more affected than others. Chronic (long-term) changes in your breathing pattern can be very subtle and may happen over a long period of time.

Does dysfunctional breathing go away?

You may experience symptoms such as a racing heart (palpitations), tingling in your fingers and breathlessness, which usually disappear once the stressful period is over. If your breathing does not return to normal after the stressful event has passed the symptoms may continue. This can occur in people experiencing anxiety.
Referral to specialist respiratory physiotherapists can help teach you to normalise your breathing pattern and limit your symptoms

How do you overcome dysfunctional breathing?
Your respiratory physiotherapist will show you techniques such as;
  • Breathing control
  • Nose breathing
Understanding your triggers, for example managing anxiety, reflux or pain.
Shoulder relaxation and postural correction, regular exercise and healthy diet.

What if I have more questions

If you would like any further information or contact us for appointment queries please call….

Bradford Royal Infirmary
Duckworth Lane