• Bradford Hospitals’ support for colleagues during the holy month of Ramadan

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals is taking a proactive approach to supporting Muslim colleagues and creating an inclusive workplace for them during the holy month of Ramadan.

    The Trust has unveiled its unique ‘Ramadan Experience @BTHFT’, a project designed to cement its position as a ‘Ramadan friendly employer.’

    The idea has come from the Trust’s Spiritual, Pastoral and Religious Care (SPaRC) team and its aim is to empower hospital managers with the knowledge and resources around Ramadan to ensure faith needs are balanced alongside continued service delivery.

    Managers have embraced the project by signing up to become ‘Ramadan Allies’, a visible demonstration of which is the ‘Ramadan Ally’ badge. This shows the individual’s commitment to positive action to create a Ramadan friendly workplace.

    In previous years ‘Fast Packs’ have been distributed to staff who are fasting to allow them to break their fast on their ward or department, and this year this initiative has been enhanced by adding ‘PROP Packs’ (Pop-up Prayer Room Operational Packs).

    The idea of the ‘PROP Pack’ came about as a result of managers requesting advice on how to manage releasing staff members for prayers whilst also continuing with service delivery.

    These packs enable colleagues to quickly set up a prayer facility within their own working area without the need to leave their ward or department, reducing unnecessary strains on the service or compromising patient care.

    The Trust’s own Bradford Hospitals’ Charity has funded the handy packs, which contain an advice sheet for managers on how to support Ramadan in their individual areas and departments, a prayer counter, a Qibla (direction of Mecca) and instructions how to use it, a schedule of prayer times, a pop-up prayer facility poster and a woven prayer mat. The mats have been kindly provided by friends of the Trust in the local community.

    Muslim Chaplain, Rubina Yasin said: “Ramadan is a sacred and important month in the Islamic calendar, and with 21 per cent of staff at the Trust describing themselves as Muslims, we were keen to develop a proactive and inclusive approach. Managing Ramadan pro-actively reduces unnecessary strains and tensions on the service by normalising this annual event into schedules and practices, while demonstrating how this can be managed within the normal working day.

    “The idea of the ‘PROP Pack’ came about to make it easier for Muslim colleagues to find an appropriate, temporary space to pray without needing to leave their areas. It takes just minutes to set up the pack – less time than it takes for a kettle to boil!

    “We believe our ‘Ramadan Experience @BTHFT’ promotes good working relationships and creates a better understanding with non-Muslim colleagues, who are often wanting to support their Muslim colleagues but not sure how to.”

    The initiative was presented to and endorsed by the Trust’s Executive team and launched via Ramadan awareness stalls held on the main course at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

    Rubina added: “We exceeded the number of ‘Ramadan Allies’ who signed up at the launch, with managers coming from across all wards and departments, and we’ll be holding more awareness stalls in the coming weeks as requested. We’ve had fantastic feedback and have already had enquiries from other trusts in the country requesting more information to enable them to set up similar projects in their places of work. We are also very grateful for the support of our Bradford Hospitals’ Charity.

    “We work to a cross-belief ethos and I am really proud to have the support of non-Muslim colleagues in the SPaRC team. The preparation of the ‘PROP Packs’ and support of implementing the project was shared with all colleagues in the team as well as colleagues within the Charity.”

    Chief Nurse, Karen Dawber said: “It is really important, working in a multi-cultural community, that we encompass all faiths and beliefs. I’m proud that we have taken steps to continue to support our Muslim colleagues in this innovative way, especially during this very important time for them, and I am especially proud of everyone who has demonstrated their commitment by becoming a ‘Ramadan Ally.’

    “As a result of this, we can all reap the benefits of being a ‘Ramadan friendly employer’ and continue to build on our mission to make BTHFT an inclusive workplace for all our staff to thrive.”

    Bradford Hospitals’ Charity Director, Sharon Milner added: “When the Charity was asked to help celebrate Ramadan in such a meaningful way, I was incredibly excited. The opportunity to support our Muslim colleagues was a real honour for us.

    “It’s my intention to support all faiths where we can to promote inclusivity, and I believe the outcomes will be huge in terms of creating a more positive work culture, whereby we understand the needs of our colleagues, at their special time of year.”