What are tests called?

Blood tests
You may require a blood test – this is quick and simple and will be done in a few minutes while you are with us in the pre-assessment clinic.

ECG (Heart trace)
We often have to perform a test of your heart. This is a simple, painless test that takes a few minutes, and can be performed with us in the clinic.

Spirometry (breathing tests)
Occasionally we have to send you for a breathing test, or spirometry. Sometimes this can happen on the day, but usually you will have to return to perform this test. This usually takes around 20 minutes. If you use an inhaler, it would be useful to bring it along, as well as a list of your usual medications.

Echocardiogram (heart scans)
For certain people with heart conditions, you may need to have a scan of your heart. This is a painless ultrasound scan that usually takes around 15 minutes.

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET or Bike test)
For certain operations you may require a bike test, to test how well your lungs and heart work. This will usually be done during your pre-assessment visit, and takes around 45 minutes. Complications are extremely rare – there is always a doctor and a cardiac specialist present throughout the test, and you will be closely monitored. If you become unwell or overly tired, we will stop the test early. If you use an inhaler, it would be useful to bring it along, as well as a list of your usual medications.