Post ICU General Wellbeing Help Guide
To help you think about your general wellbeing we have organised a series of films from our specialist clinicians that aim to answer some of the most common questions we have heard our patients ask.
To support the information contained in the films we have also organised a series of ‘information cards’. These cards give you a brief overview of the topic, the logo or name of the organisation you can access the information from, and the trusted web link to the information we recommend.
These are the general wellbeing topics that we have created the resources for. Click on the topic that you want to find out more about, and it will take you directly to the relevant section.
A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

Living Well
Living well aims to making it easier for everyone in Bradford District to live healthier more active lives.

ICUsteps are the intensive care patient charity which is focused on helping those who have been through ICU.
I want to stop smoking
Top tips to manage smoking
- Access help from a stopping smoker adviser from the NHS
- Tell people you’re quitting
- List your smoking triggers and how to avoid them
A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

NHS Stop Smoking
These services staffed by expert advisers provide a range of proven methods to help you quit.They’ll give you accurate information and advice, as well as professional support, during the first few months you stop smoking.
I’m struggling to get out and do things. I don’t feel like seeing other people
Top tips to help you socialise again
- Start by talking on the phone, or meeting one person at a time in a place where you feel relaxed
- Join the online critical care support network group meetings to start having some social contact
- Access some of the local services to support you
A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

Critical Care Support Network
CC-SN aims to support all Critical Care patients and their families deal with stress with online group meetings, and yoga or relaxation sessions like the ones in the link below

Bradford District Care
BDC provides a range of interesting, sociable, health-led activities delivered by dedicated activity volunteers. Our activities are free and run across local regions.

HALE Project
HALE Project empowers individuals to improve their health, wellbeing and social welfare by connecting them to non-medical support services, groups and activities.

Social prescribing
This short youtube animation explains what it social prescribing is, how it works and the benefits to individuals’ health and wellbeing. Access the video below.
I need help with my relationships
Top tips to help your relationships
- Keep talking about how you feel
- Think positively
- Actively listen to others
A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

Better Health
Learn more about how to build and maintain healthy relationships, and deal with issues including stress and anxiety in relationships.

Lots of people have an idea of what relationship counselling is and think that you only need counselling when things get really bad but we’re here to help whenever you need us.
I’m struggling financially
It is common to worry about how you and your family will cope financially during and after critical illness, and you may not be able to return to work for some time. Help is available, so use the links below to find the support you need.
A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

Citizens Advice
Citizen Advice can help you check if you are eligible for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) from your workplace.

Citizens Advice
If you’re sick or disabled, you might be able to claim benefits like Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

Cancer Support Yorkshire
If you have had a cancer diagnosis, then Cancer Support Yorkshire can help answer financial concerns.
Finding it difficult returning home after hospital?
If you and your family feel like you need extra support with day to day living after going home, then have a look at the Carer Resource links below for ways they can help.
A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

Carers' Resource
This service can help ease your return home from hospital, for example help with shopping, rebuilding your confidence and independence, and helping to prevent admission back into hospital.

Carer Resource
The Carer Navigator service supports friends and families who have a loved one admitted to Airedale General Hospital and Bradford Royal Infirmary.
Additional Helpful Resources

Equality Together
Live Well & Safe is a community-based project which will assist you to remain in your own home, independent and living well.

Bradford Council
This a local meals service providing hot and/or frozen 2 course meal deliveries to people in their own homes.

British Red Cross
You can hire a wheelchair if you’d like to help you get out and about more with friends and family.