As an NHS Foundation Trust, we are required to have a strong governance structure in place that supports the provision of safe, effective, caring and responsive care for the 500,000 people that we serve.
This structure sees the Board of Directors accountable to the Council of Governors, which represents the interest of members and the public.
The Board of Directors is made up of executive directors and non-executive directors, who are collectively responsible for the operation and performance of the Trust, and for its effective governance. This includes setting the corporate strategy, organisational culture, making decisions reserved for the Board, and being accountable to stakeholders for those decisions.
Elections to the Council of Governors are now closed. For further information click here.
Our Council of Governors is made up of 24 governors (11 public, two patient, six staff and five partner).
Public/patient and staff governors are elected by members of their constituencies, while partner governors are nominated by their organisation.
If you need to get in touch with a member of the Council of Governors, please email
To find out more about our Council of Governors and when they meet visit the Council of Governors Meetings page.
To find out the work undertaken by the Council of Governors for 2022/23 see Your Guide to our Year.
Responsibilities of the Vice-Chair of the Council of Governors and the Lead Governor
As a Foundation Trust, we have a legal requirement to have membership, which provides benefits to both the Trust and our members. As a member, you will have a say in the future of our hospital and help us to shape the services to best meet the needs of the community.
For find out how you can get involved, and join as a member visit our Foundation Trust Membership page.