Mum holding her baby

Postnatal refers to the period of time after your baby is born. It is a period of physical and emotional adjustment as you and your baby settle into your new lives. Your midwife and the support team are here to ensure your and your baby’s wellbeing, and will help you and your family get off to the best possible start.

Please open the tabs opposite for more information on our dedicated postnatal services.

Wards M3 and M4, our postnatal wards, are bright, airy and have a more homely environment in order to make your stay feel more relaxed. They have recently been refurbished and improvements made based on recommendations and feedback from women, their families and staff. A birth partner or named carer can stay to support their partner for 12 hours during the day time.

M3 has 24 beds and comprises of the induction suite for women who require admission during pregnancy, and following the birth of their baby.

M4 is a 20-bed postnatal ward and nine-bed Transitional Care Unit, consisting of four-bed rooms and single side rooms. The ward is for women and babies that require admission following birth. We operate a ‘rooming in’ policy for mothers and babies receiving care in hospital. This means your baby will share your room so you can stay close to your baby at all times; separation would only be for clinical reasons such as your baby needing care on the Neonatal Unit.

If your baby needs to be separated from you, for any tests or examination, where possible, we will ask you or your partner to stay with your baby. We operate a no co-sleeping policy within our hospital setting to reduce the chance of accidents. We will provide you with an alongside crib to enable you to stay close to your baby while in hospital

Our wards feature rooms designated for women with disabilities, a bereavement suite, quiet room and dining/sitting room. All our rooms have access to toilet and shower/bath facilities.

We offer screening tests to newborn babies to look for certain health conditions that could affect them. You can read more about these tests by clicking on the links below:

After you leave hospital, you will be cared for by the community midwifery team. The midwife will visit you the day after you return home.

Please contact the ward you were discharged from if:

  • A midwife has not contacted you by 4pm on the day after you are discharged home
  • You missed your telephone call or visit.

The ward will then contact the team who is scheduled to contact/visit you so this can be re-arranged.

We will let your heath visitor know that you have had your baby so they can arrange to visit you too.

Contraception may be the last thing on your mind after you have had a baby. However, a woman can become pregnant again 3 weeks (21 days) after the birth of their baby, so it is best to be prepared. Here at Bradford Royal Infirmary, we can help you to choose a method which suits you.

We would encourage you to start thinking about contraception before you have your baby, and talk through your options with your midwife or healthcare professional.

After you have had your baby, a member of the team will discuss your options and provide you with written information.  You can find out more about the contraception available from our maternity service in our leaflet which is available in English, Slovak and Urdu.

You may also find this leaflet helpful from the Family Planning Association.

Long acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARC) are the most reliable methods and can be used straight after birth regardless of how you choose to feed your baby. These methods include the progesterone implant ‘Nexplanon’, the ‘Depo-Provera’ injection or a type of intrauterine coil (copper coil or intrauterine system). The progesterone only pill can be used straight after birth regardless of how you choose to feed your baby.

If you would like to use any of these methods for contraception, please inform a member of staff and we will organise for you to receive it prior to going home.  If you are booked to have a caesarean section, a coil can be fitted easily and safely during your operation. We offer hormone-containing and non-hormonal (copper) coils, lasting between five and 10 years depending on the type. Almost everyone is eligible for at least one of the coils available, so ask your doctor when they book your caesarean section.

Combined hormonal contraception (methods containing oestrogen such as a pill, patch or ring) is not recommended straight after delivery and you may wish to consider an alternative method initially.

We also offer condoms to all patients who are being discharged from hospital after they have had their baby, but we would recommend you choose a reliable contraceptive method from the above too.

If you are now at home having had your baby, you can access local contraceptive services through Locala Sexual Health here, your GP or speak to your community midwife or health visitor for more information and guidance.

Maternity's Our Journey to Outstanding