It was an evening of celebration and sparkle as we held our annual staff awards at the Cedar Court Hotel last Thursday (Sept 26), sponsored by Sovereign Health Care and Bradford Hospitals Charity.

More than 250 colleagues from across our Trust gathered together to don their glad rags and enjoy a great night of food, fun and prizes.

It made us extremely proud to be your Chairperson and Chief Executive and to thank you for all your incredibly hard work over the past year.

As the evening got underway, guests were greeted by traditional Dhol players who got the party started, there was also a surprise between the main course and dessert as four singing waiters sprang into song and entertained colleagues with their music.

A photobooth provided keepsakes for new memories as teams and individuals struck a pose and after the awards ceremony, staff danced the night away as a DJ spun the tunes.

It was truly a night of celebration as our winners and nominees shone brightly. Our Brilliant Bradford Awards encapsulated all that is good about our Trust.

Over and over again, we heard amazing stories of colleagues going the extra mile for our patients, our hospitals and the NHS.

We had a record number of nominations for the awards this year – 230 nominations in total for six awards – all of them reflecting the hard work, success and innovation of colleagues and teams across our Trust.

The ceremony helped shine a light on colleagues who do an incredible job and go above and beyond the call of duty.

Once again, Sovereign Health Care was extremely generous in its headline sponsorship of the event. In fact, this is the 23rd year that Sovereign has supported our awards and I am so delighted to continue our close working relationship.

Sovereign Health Care’s Community Programme Co-ordinator, Kauser Mukthar, who presented the We Care Award, said:

I have been asked Sovereign Health Care’s Chief Executive, Neil McCallum, to pass on his congratulations to all those who were nominated for awards.

Sovereign Health Care has a longstanding relationship with Bradford Teaching Hospitals. In 2023, for our 150th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of the NHS, we contributed half a million pounds towards the purchase of the latest da Vinci robotic surgery system to ensure patients in the region can access cutting edge robotic surgery. We look forwards to our continued partnership with the NHS here in Bradford.

We were also honoured to welcome colleagues from our Bradford Hospitals Charity (BHC) who provide additional home comforts for our patients’ families, wellbeing resources for our colleagues and extra equipment which go above what the NHS can afford. We are very grateful for their support and sponsorship our staff awards evening.

Head of Fundraising at BHC, Lisa Williams, said:

Bradford Hospitals Charity is proud to sponsor the Brilliant Bradford Staff Awards, celebrating the exceptional efforts of our dedicated colleagues. Through our support of the Trust’s Thrive programme, we are committed to promoting staff wellbeing and providing an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming environment for all. By caring for our staff, we enable them to continue delivering outstanding care to our community.

In these financially challenged times, the support and generosity of our sponsors remains vital in hosting events like these.

For the first time ever, we presented our Charity Hero of the Year Award which was nominated by Bradford Hospitals Charity and there was no shortage of amazing stories behind each of our nominees.

The night was an amazing success. Whittling down such a strong field to just one winner wasn’t easy but we were delighted to hear and see so many stars shining brightly throughout all our hospitals here in Bradford.

We Care Award – presented by Sovereign Health Care’s Chief Executive, Neil McCallum

We were looking for amazing, caring and inspiring colleagues – clinical or non-clinical – that embody our Trust’s value – ‘we care’.

This award attracted 67 separate nominations – the highest number of nominations of any of our  categories, which serves as testament to the ethos of our caring and compassionate workforce.

The top three nominees were:

  • Ebony Pearson, Healthcare Assistant
  • Elizabeth Hambleton, Lead TB Specialist Nurse
  • The Trust’s Palliative Care Team

And the winner was: Healthcare Assistant, Ebony Pearson

Ebony is an inspirational young individual with a high drive and a magnificent passion for her job role. Her energy is powerful and it lights up even the dull days. The patients absolutely adore her.

Ebony always manages to spread joy and positivity wherever she is. She even went ‘above and beyond’ and bought a blow up hair washing bowl and portable shower head that she is able to hang up on an IV drip stand to wash patients’ hair.  She explained she wanted the patients’ needs to come first and that she wanted to give them the best possible experience while being in hospital.

Ebony you are wonderful and you are so valued by the team.

We Value People Award – presented by Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, Saj Azeb

We were looking for colleagues who embody our Trust’s value – ‘we value people’ – who respect other people and patients, have shown real leadership in challenging circumstances and positively impacted those around them.

There were 43 nominations for this award.

The top three nominees were:

  • Diogo Silva, Matron for Neurology and Stroke
  • The Specialist Parkinson’s Physiotherapist, Emily Noble and the Specialist Parkinson’s Occupational Therapist, Sophie Meredith
  • The Trust’s Paediatric Feeding team

And the winners were: Emily Noble & Sophie Meredith

Emily and Sophie joined the Neurological Rehabilitation Team last year.

In their first year in post, they have made an outstanding impact upon the service for people with Parkinson’s, as well as their carers and the rest of the wider multidisciplinary team.

Their excellent results are already showing – the waiting time for a therapy assessment for people with Parkinson’s has reduced significantly. This reduces the potential risk of rapid deterioration, secondary complications and hospital admission and improves quality of life for people with Parkinson’s and their carers,  as well as having a positive impact on staff morale.

These new roles have allowed Emily and Sophie to work innovatively, including revamping the sessions for those newly diagnosed; speaking at community Parkinson’s groups; restarting a Parkinson’s specialist exercise group and developing a Parkinson’s information page on the Trust website, to name but a few.

As a team we are excited to see what the next year brings for Emily and Sophie and want to recognise the fantastic contribution they have made for people with Parkinson’s.

Valuing Diversity Award – presented by Chief People and Purpose Officer, Reneé Bullock

We were looking for an individual who has demonstrated personal commitment and behaviours to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda.

The top three nominees were:

  • Sandra Madalena, Ward 9 Manager
  • June Thomas, Midwife
  • Raquel Licas, PPE Hub and Fit Testing Sister, Staff Governor and Deputy Chair of our Race Equality Staff Network

And the winner was: June Thomas

June is a beacon of support for all colleagues. She is an active Freedom To Speak Up Ambassador and has helped me and others on more than one occasion.

June is a champion for diversity and is currently leading the Diverse Working Forum which is giving staff from ethnic minorities a platform to discuss and challenge racism at all levels.

June goes above and beyond to support her colleagues and puts in a lot of her own time to do this. We thank you and appreciate you June.

Charity Hero of the Year Award – presented by Chairperson, Sarah Jones and Head of Fundraising for Bradford Hospitals Charity, Lisa Williams

This inaugural award celebrated the extraordinary individuals who have dedicated their time and energy to making a difference by enhancing patient care and staff wellbeing through their support of Bradford Hospitals Charity. This new award honours the unsung heroes who have gone ‘above and beyond’ in their selfless acts of kindness and compassion, while recognising their invaluable contributions which inspire others to follow in their fundraising footsteps.

Lisa explained: “Bradford Hospitals Charity work in partnership with Bradford Teaching Hospitals to deliver projects which make a real difference to patients and their families. We fund projects and equipment which are beyond the scope of government funding, enhance hospital care and the patient environment, and invest in the development and wellbeing of our staff.

“Our charity would not exist without the support of our wonderful donors. Many people choose to donate to the charity because of every one of you, who work together to provide outstanding care at BTHFT.  Those donations make a very real difference to patient care and staff wellbeing every day.  From funding the little extras which transform care, to the large projects which change lives – our charity works closely with our Trust to make sure your donations go where they are needed the most.

“Then we have our amazing fundraising heroes across the Trust. Going the extra mile outside of your working hours with physical challenges, fundraising events and putting all your efforts into raising awareness and funds for Bradford Hospitals Charity.”

The top three nominees were:

  • Andrea Firth, Senior Sister Neonatal Unit
  • The X-Raycers, Radiology Department
  • Claire Walker, Emergency Department Trainee Nurse Associate

And the winner was: Claire Walker

Claire Walker started the ‘Sparkle for Axl’ annual charity event in memory of her own son who died three days before his third birthday from a rare blood disorder.

Claire is passionate about raising money and each Christmas holds a fundraising week of collections, bake sales and raffles. From September 2024 she has committed to run a half marathon every month for a year for the charity.

Claire is a genuinely lovely and caring person, and this also shines through in her day-to-day role as a Trainee Nurse Associate. She is always happy to help and advise anyone and it is a pleasure to be her colleague.

This year’s judges were Chief People and Purpose Officer Renee Bullock, Non-Executive Director Karen Walker, Staff Network representative, Razwana Bashir and Patient and Public Experience Officer George Reynolds.

The judging panel chose the winners of the Trust’s ‘Team of the Year’ and ‘Employee of the Year’ who were selected from the groups and individuals who won our regular ‘Team of the Month’ and ‘Employee of the Month’ awards from July 2023 to June 2024.

Employee of the Year Award - presented by Director of Strategy and Transformation, Mark Hindmarsh

Mark said: “For any organisation, its biggest asset is its people. Here at Bradford Teaching Hospitals, we have nearly 6,500 people who – day in, day out – make their contribution to patient care. Every one of us – whether we’re clinical or non-clinical – plays a part in making sure that every one of our patients gets the time, expertise, care and importantly, the kindness that they deserve.

“Each month we have the opportunity to nominate and celebrate those colleagues who have gone ‘above and beyond’ in their work. Those winners become our Employee of the Month and we had 12 candidates to whittle down to just one.

“The judging panel was looking for someone who has made a significant and outstanding contribution towards our mission of providing the highest quality of healthcare at all times. They were looking for someone who is kind and compassionate: proud and committed to their role; and behaves as a positive ambassador for the Trust’s values.

“This was such a hard category, as we had amazing nominations about all 12 of our candidates but the judges finally managed to whittle them down.”

The top three nominees were:

  • Dr Rajib Lodh, Consultant Paediatrician
  • Darek Hofman, Renal Unit Housekeeper, St Luke’s Hospital
  • Natalia Taylor, Emergency Department Senior Sister

The joint winners were: Darek Hofman & Natalia Taylor


Natalia epitomises our Trust values and often goes the extra mile for her colleagues (usually in her own time) and for her patients. She has been pivotal in supporting the recruitment, retention and recognition agenda within the organisation to ensure that our patients get the best and safest care possible, and staff feel valued in the workplace. Most recently, she has coached and supported one of our international nurses to get the recognition that they truly deserve and supported them with development opportunities to flourish in the department. Natalia recognises everyone’s contribution and is striving, with fellow colleagues, to improve care standards within the department. She is always looking for small ways to recognise everyone’s efforts, often under difficult circumstances and staffing constraints. She wholly deserves to be recognised for her contribution although I am sure she will just say she’s only doing her job.


Darek is a fantastic person who spreads joy and happiness wherever he goes. From giving out patient teas, to organising stock, Darek is always on hand to make sure patients’ and staff’s lives are easier. Not only is Darek a fantastic role model but he takes on more than he is asked to do. He decorates the renal unit when there are celebrations, such as the NHS birthday, Eid or Easter. He comes in on his own time with decorations he has purchased, from his own pocket, to brighten up the area to make it more inviting for patients and staff. The most recent of Darek’s fantastic character and selflessness was when he led the collection of toiletries and hygiene products for the adult safeguarding team. Darek encouraged colleagues to help and do what they could to support vulnerable adults. Thanks to the renal team, and especially Darek’s efforts, the unit was able to donate two massive boxes. Darek is an absolute superstar and is the embodiment of the Trust values of we care, value people and we are one team. We are grateful that Darek is part of the renal unit, and he’s a brilliant asset to this hospital.

We are ‘One Team’ – Team of the Year Award presented by Chief Nurse Karen Dawber

Karen said: “There are over 350 different job roles in the NHS – from nurse to neurologist; porter to painter; accountant to audiologist; midwife to medical secretary. Each role makes a significant difference to the quality of care that we are able to provide. Nowhere is it more evident that teamwork is the key to success than at Bradford Teaching Hospitals.

“Just like the award for Employee of the Year, the judging panel already had a year’s worth of 12 excellent winners of Team of the Month to consider. For Team of the Year, our panel was looking for a team who demonstrates strong team working and flexibility in delivering excellent outcomes, a team that ensures quality in everything they do, trusts each other and helps to raise the profile of the Trust through consistent excellence.”

The top three nominees were:

  • The Stroke Team, Ward 6
  • The Renal Dialysis Team
  • Westbourne Green Community Hospital, Inpatient Ward

The winners were: Stroke Team Ward 6

I would like to nominate Ward 6 for their continued dedication and commitment to delivering a high level of patient care to our stroke and neurology patients. They have had multiple changes in their senior nursing leadership over the last three years and have successfully come out of special measures, continuing to go from strength to strength with their own training, development and learning. This is evident in the reduction of many areas over the past six months, including falls, pressure ulcers and hospital-acquired infections. There are multiple individuals who go above and beyond on a daily basis but as a team, Ward 6 will work together, pool resources and collaborate with ideas for the betterment of the team and patients. I feel assured that they will continue to thrive, work together as a team and with other departments, be the best stroke service and deliver excellent care for our patients. I have never worked with such a large group of passionate individuals who make such an impact on people around them.

Unsung Hero Award - presented by Chief Executive, Mel Pickup

We were looking for individuals who make a massive contribution to our hospitals but whose names you might never hear about. The kind of people who come to work, quietly get on with things, feel passionately about what they do, and do an amazing job. The judging criteria included showing a positive attitude and commitment to our work and values; demonstrating a dedication and humility which may have gone unnoticed; and being an excellent ambassador for Bradford Teaching Hospitals, and the NHS.

It’s humbling to share with you that we had a massive 63 nominations for the UNSUNG HERO award, and as Kauser Mukthar, from Sovereign Health Care, said at the beginning of the evening, I think this is testimony to the amazing commitment and dedication of our very special people here at the Trust.

The top three nominees were:

  • Ifra Ahmed-Younis, Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Urology
  • Laura Ward, Emergency Department Porter
  • Weronika Katz, Healthcare Assistant, Ward 8

And the winner was: Laura Ward

Laura was appointed as ‘relief’ porter in December 2023 and is currently working in the Emergency Department (ED). She has already proved herself as an asset to portering services in the short time she has been with us. She always picks up extra shifts and is described by her line manager as ‘a ray of sunshine’ and is the life and soul of the ‘duty room’. Laura enjoys working in the busy ED supporting patient flow and patient care and always displays a positive attitude which is described as contagious. She demonstrated on the evening of 23 July, how she goes the extra mile, when she was confronted with a young individual who had scaled a stair rail giving access to a high ledge from which she was attempting to jump. Laura quickly grabbed the girl’s arm and held onto her, preventing her from falling and coming to harm for a significant amount of time until help arrived. The police and fire brigade attended and commented on the quick thinking and action taken by Laura. Her selfless act prevented harm to a young person and demonstrated she is not only a great ambassador to portering services but to the Trust and wider NHS. I am proud to say she is a valued member of ‘Team Facilities’ and think she is worthy of winning the ‘Unsung Hero’ award 2024 in recognition of her quick thinking and action in the extreme circumstances she found herself.

Outstanding Achievement Award – chosen and presented by Chief Executive, Mel Pickup

This special award went to our Neonatal team which has had a year where they have been tested in ways few could have imagined.

Placed under the harsh spotlight of public criticism and scrutiny, they faced challenges that extended far beyond the hospital’s walls.

At times it seemed as though the weight of the world was on their shoulders, yet in the face of adversity, this team remained unwavering.

Their commitment to the most vulnerable among us, our precious newborn babies, never wavered.

Through the noise and the doubts they continued to deliver exceptional care to the babies and families who needed them most.

Day and night, they worked tirelessly providing not just clinical expertise but compassion, reassurance and most of all hope, to parents navigating some of the most difficult moments of their lives.

What sets the Neonatal team apart is not just their resilience, commitment, and professionalism, but their humanity. They didn’t survive the year, they thrived.

With each tiny life they nurtured, they proved that their dedication to care transcended any external pressures or judgements.

Every smile, every milestone reached, every baby’s heartbeat is a testament to their empathy and their passion for the jobs that they do.

Tonight, as we honour them with this outstanding achievement award, we recognise not just their professional excellence but their profound strength of character. To our Neonatal Unit team, you have inspired us all. You have turned adversity into triumph and in doing so you’ve reminded us of the power of kindness, compassion, care and resilience.

Grateful thanks to all our finalists and everyone who nominated colleagues for a prize on what was an amazing evening.

I’m sure you’ll agree that it was a real privilege to hear about the compassion, professionalism and care that our patients receive every single day at Bradford Teaching Hospitals.

Chairperson Sarah Jones, in conclusion, said: “The NHS has been going for over 76 years and deserves its very own ‘long service award’.  It is one of the most highly regarded and cherished institutions in Britain.

“We know that there is an ever-increasing demand for services and no real increase in funding. At Bradford, we’ve had to instigate our own cost savings plan, ‘Closing The Gap’.

“We also know that the NHS couldn’t survive without the huge amount of discretionary effort, and goodwill from its people who go above and beyond for our patients.”

She continued: “During financially difficult times, it’s even more important to pause and acknowledge the tireless commitment and compassion of colleagues by having an occasion like tonight. However, in the face of our cost savings, it simply didn’t feel right to commit budget to an awards ceremony. Fortunately, our sponsors agreed. It is only through the generosity of our colleagues at Sovereign Health Care and through grant funding from Bradford Hospitals’ Charity, that we have been able to pay for both our Long Service Awards and BTHFT’s Brilliant Bradford Awards 2024. Not spent a single penny from NHS coffers has been spent on today’s events.”

A big and special thank you also go to our colleagues who made these awards happen.

The Organisational Development Team who organised these events included Cat Shutt, Sarah Waite, Debbie Jackson, Will Moule, Ruth Mason, Emma Jackson and Danny Lane.

The Medical Illustration team of Tony Dook and Rob Maw provided photography on the day.

While the Long Service Awards, which took place earlier in the day, wouldn’t have happened without the formidable administration and organisation skills of Sehra Hasan, Tabitha Lawreniuk and Nafisa Ambreen.

A final ‘well done’ and huge congratulations to all award winners and nominees for all that you here at our hospitals.

This fantastic night and the awards showed the breadth of talent, kindness and compassion that makes BTHFT such a special place.

Let’s keep shining and #Thriving

Here’s to #TeamBradford!