Celebrating our Brilliant Bradford staff

Delivering excellence in everything we do is the bedrock of our Trust and this quality shines brightly through our staff award winners.

Our 2017 staff awards ceremony topped off what was – without doubt – one of the most dramatic and exciting years in the history of our Trust.

It was a double celebration as we also held our volunteer long service awards and named our volunteer of the year. This was an opportunity to thank all of our volunteers for their continued dedication and support to our patients, staff and visitors at the Trust.

This year we had six awards up for grabs; there were three prizes for Team of the Year and single winners for the other awards, which are awarded to outstanding individuals – either clinical or non-clinical. The quality of nominations was extremely high and our judging panels had a difficult task.

One team, many talents

The Executive Team was bowled over by the fantastic response to our Brilliant Bradford staff awards, and chose ‘One Team, Many Talents’ as our theme for the awards, because we felt it summed up everything that makes our Trust such a special place.

Here in Bradford we’re one team made up of many talents, all striving to provide high quality patient care by pooling our collective expertise.

I want to say a very big thank-you, on behalf of the Board, to Russ Piper, Chief Executive of Sovereign Healthcare, for their generous sponsorship of the prizes. This is the 18th year that Sovereign has supported our awards, and we are delighted to continue our close working relationship.

Of course, someone had to win, but the evening was a celebration of the achievements of all our nominees.

Award winners

  • Deputy Chief Executive Unsung Heroes Award

    WINNERS: Directorate Managers

    Donna Thompson, Deputy Chief Executive, paid tribute to the Directorate Managers who formed the Bronze Command during EPR go-live.

    “These are people who have a difficult job but rarely get the limelight,” said Donna. “We’ve had a very challenging operational year but these managers have continued to deliver 100% dedication, seven days a week.”

  • Excellence in Collaboration Award

    This award aims to recognise the work of someone who’s demonstrated how they have made a significant contribution to effective collaboration between the Trust and one or more external partners.

    WINNER: Chris Bem, Consultant ENT Surgeon and lead for Well Bradford 

    Chris was overwhelmed to win the top award and said he was so proud that Bradford had been recognised for the Well Bradford collaboration project.

    He was nominated by Karl Milner, Director of Well Bradford, for his support for and commitment to the project which seeks ways for the Trust to work alongside external partners to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Girlington.

    Not only has Chris worked alongside official funding partners on the governance and strategic direction of the project, he has also visited mosques, churches and community groups to talk with people about improving health and he has got his sleeves rolled up helping at community events – from health fairs to cycle rides and litter picks.

    Karl said: “As a result, Chris has gained the respect and friendship of many people in the community and has enhanced the reputation of the Trust and our staff within the local community.

    “He has done this largely at his own time and expense and has gone well beyond what could reasonably be ask of him as a busy ENT surgeon. Chris is genuinely passionate about this project.”

    Second: Lorraine Cameron, Head of Equality and Diversity
    Third: Corinne Jeffrey, Acting Divisional General Manager

  • Team of the Year Award

    This award celebrates the work of people who’ve demonstrated excellence in teamwork. It honours teams that have made the biggest contribution to achieving the Trust’s vision to be ‘an outstanding provider of healthcare, research and education, and a great place to work’.

    Our Chairman Bill McCarthy praised the standard of entries – with a record 50 nominations – and said every single one was ‘outstanding’ and it was an impossible job to choose the winners.

    WINNER: Ward 28 (Orthopaedic, Breast and Trauma)

    Ward 28 proved worthy winners of the Team of the Year Award, showing how teamwork can transform a working environment and dramatically improve patient care.

    Angela O’Neill, Ward Manager, Ward 28, nominated the ward team for overcoming significant problems and pulling together to put patient care at the forefront of all that it does.

    At the beginning of the year, the ward went through a difficult time of change because of winter pressures and subsequently staff became unsettled and disgruntled. This made the ward feel very disjointed with staff not pulling together. Unfortunately, this led to a drop in the standard of care – so, it was time for some action.

    Angela said: “Instead of making the staff feel undervalued, but at the same time needing them to take responsibility, with the help and support of Matron Samantha Dawe, we held a workshop where all the staff attended. As a team, we identified and discussed the problems and came up with solutions

    “The team has worked exceptionally hard to overcome the difficulties faced, including several staff vacancies, and is now working as a team, not as individuals. We now deliver an extremely high standard of care and can boast three months’ pressure ulcer-free.

    “In essence, we’ve survived the worst kind of adversity, turned the negatives into positives and transformed into a team that puts patient care at the forefront of all we do. We’re not perfect, and all recognise that there is still work to be done, but we will continue to strive for excellence.

    “Winning this award means absolutely everything to us; it’s been a whole team effort.”

    And Chris Mann, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, said the ward made everyone feel welcome – from patients to agency staff, and that he would be proud for any of his own relatives to stay on the ward.

    Joint 2nd place: Pharmacy Department/Neonatal Outreach Team

  • Lifetime Achievement Award

    This year the Board wanted to recognise an exceptional achievement – that of Shirley Hannan, who retired this year after a magnificent NHS career of 57 years! Enjoy your well-deserved retirement, Shirley.

  • Excellence in Care Award

    The Excellence in Care Award recognises the achievement of someone who’s demonstrated how they have made a significant contribution to care and compassion.

    WINNER: Sara Dixon, Extended Scope Practitioner, Physiotherapy

    Sara was nominated by Zakir Shariff, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, for helping to transform hand services in the Trust.

    Zakir said: “Sara is an extremely important asset to the Physiotherapy Department and particularly to hand services. Ever since she has taken up as the role of Extended Scope Practitioner, we have set up physiotherapy clinics alongside the trauma clinic every day of the week providing one stop care for the patient, avoiding multiple trips to the hospital.

    “Sara has also been involved in bringing new guidelines to provide patient-centered services and still strives to improve it by pursuing her Masters and keeping herself abreast with recent advances.

    “She always looks for opportunities to improve her skills so as to provide better care to the patients. She has also been involved in training therapists from both our and Airedale Trust and is appreciated by all the hand surgeons who rely on her experience and dedication when it comes to simple and more complex hand problems.”

    During her spare time, she works with sick refugees in Greece and is planning to spend her Christmas this year with them.

    Second: Iftekhar Ahmed, Eye Clinic Liaison Officer
    Third: Rebecca Palethorpe, Specialist Midwife, Parent Education

  • Learning Excellence Award

    This award recognises the work of someone who’s shown how they have made a significant contribution to learning excellence or professional development, through training or education.

    JOINT WINNERS: Our judges found it impossible to pick a winner, so we have two people in joint first place – Wendy Milner, Senior Sister, ICU, and Jacqui Smith, Sister, Ward 29.

    Wendy and Jacqui were each nominated by Caroline Hanson, Quality and Patient Safety Facilitator, for their role in the Pressure Ulcers Collaborative led by the Quality Improvement (QI) team.

    Over the course of a year, ICU successfully reduced their total number of grade 3 pressure ulcers by 60% compared with the previous year (from 5 to 2). They haven’t had a grade 3 pressure ulcer for 15 months, by far the longest the unit has gone without a grade 3 in recent times.

    And Ward 29 successfully reduced their total number of grade 3 pressure ulcers by 67% compared with the previous year (from 6 to 2).

    Both Wendy and Jacqui took learning from the sessions back to colleagues in their areas, and also shared learning with other wards, which has resulted in a greater awareness of pressure ulcers among all staff and a real focus on preventing them.

    Third: Alison Powell, Midwifery Matron.

  • Valuing People Award

    Our Valuing People Award recognises the achievement of someone who embodies or inspires others to feel motivated, engaged, well-led and valued; who’s made a significant and outstanding contribution towards our aim of being an outstanding NHS employer.

    WINNER: Malik Latif, Medical Records Team Co-ordinator

    This year’s award went to Malik Latif, Medical Records Team Co-ordinator, who said he was ‘gobsmacked’ when he was told he’d been nominated. “I thought I was in trouble when I got the call, I really couldn’t believe it!” he said. “I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me, it means a lot.”

    Malik was nominated by Nurus Samad, Virtual/Fragility Administrator, for his positivity and the support he gives everyone in his team.

    Nurus said: “Malik has always been the first to dig deep for any causes and also help others without hesitating, whether it’s financial, social or of course work related. He keeps his staff satisfied with his energy, positive vibes and influence and, as a result, they happily work really hard on a regular basis. As a result this has had a very successful outcome for the department.

    “During the transition phase to EPR he has been a friend and mentor to all around him; when heads were down he used to somehow keep everyone positive. He always goes out of his way to help others even when he has been under tremendous pressure with his own workload. I think he has been an unsung hero for far too long!”

    Second: Malcolm Smith, Linen Porter
    Third: Yasar Arafat, Staff Nurse, A&E

  • Chief Executive Unsung Hero Award

    WINNER: Ben Martin, Informatics Team

    Ben, who graduated from Project Search to working for the Trust’s Informatics Service, admitted he was “shocked for words” when his name was called onto the awards stage.

    Clive said he was very impressed by Ben’s achievements and his huge contribution to helping the EPR go-live run so smoothly thanks to his advice and support working on the IT Helpdesk.

    Ben now mentors a new intern on Project Search, sharing his experience and confidence with others who are just starting out on the road to employment.

  • Finance and Performance Excellence Award

    This award recognises someone who has made a significant contribution to the financial health of our Trust, through increased productivity or cost savings, or who has supported performance improvements in any of the areas where there are agreed standards we are required to achieve.

    WINNER: Corinne Wood, Temporary Staffing Manager

    Corinne was nominated by Rachel Pyrah, Flexible Workforce Service Manager, for managing the locum booking team and nurse bank team.

    Rachel said: “Corinne has introduced new processes to streamline the booking of agency doctors and allied health professionals and made significant savings in doing so. She strives to engage locums under the NHS Improvement agency cap rates and regularly negotiates agency hourly rates down, even reducing them by a pound sometimes!

    “Corinne has a passion and drive in her role and has the mentality that every penny saved counts. Her background is as an A&E nurse so she is aware of the importance of filling vacant shifts to ensure patient safety, but is also very conscious of the costs involved in this. Agencies even know how tenacious she is and won’t try and put candidates forward for shifts if they’re over our maximum hourly rate as they know the answer will always be a no!”

    Receiving her award, Corinne said: “I can’t believe it! I’d like to thank everyone who nominated me. I’ll continue to do my best saving money.”

    Second:  Julie Ward, Overseas Visitor Manager
    Third: Jacqui Griffin, Assistant Director of Finance