• NHS Asks Local People to Continue Wearing Face Coverings in Healthcare Settings

    With the easing of restrictions, healthcare leaders for Bradford District and Craven are reminding everyone accessing or visiting healthcare settings, like hospitals and GP practices, that they must continue to wear a facing covering (unless exempt from wearing one), follow social distancing rules and maintain good hand hygiene.

    The Government’s announcement follows the success of the national Covid vaccination booster programme however, locally, a reminder is being issued for people to come forward for any of their vaccinations if they’ve not yet had them. Those that have not had their first, second or booster dose are being encouraged to come forward and have the vaccine. There are pop-up and walk-in vaccination clinics taking place across the district, visit www.bit.ly/CovidVaccineBDC

    Rob Aitchison, Acting Chief Executive for Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, said:

    Face coverings, social distancing measures and good hand hygiene will remain in place across the NHS so that people can continue to safely attend our hospitals, their GP surgery or any other healthcare settings for advice, care and treatment.

    We all have our part to play when visiting healthcare premises to protect our staff and patients, particularly those who may be more vulnerable to infections. You can do your bit by following the current measures already in place and also by getting vaccinated. Whether it’s your first, second or booster dose we are ready to vaccinate you.

    Therese Patten, Chief Executive of Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, said:

    With the restrictions easing we must not become complacent, the virus has not gone away, and case numbers are still high due to the spread of the Omicron variant. Face coverings, social distancing and maintaining good hand hygiene have played an important role in healthcare settings, helping protect vulnerable patients, staff, and visitors by limiting the spread of this disease and these measures will remain in place.

    Health and care staff have worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic to make sure patients receive the care and treatment they need, let’s not undo the hard work but work together to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19.

    Helen Hirst, Chief Officer at NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group, said:

    It’s great to see the success of the booster programme and how the COVID-19 vaccines have helped us in this pandemic.

    “We’ve asked a lot from the residents of Bradford District and Craven over the past two years and we still need your support going forward. By continuing to take reasonable and sensible measures against the virus, we will be protecting the most vulnerable people from our communities.

    Professor Mel Pickup, Chief Executive for Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said:

    The NHS is having to face a number of challenges in the coming months whilst we’re still in a pandemic. In our hospitals we still have a significant number of people we are caring for who have Covid. While restrictions are broadly lifted in other parts of our lives, the difference in healthcare settings is that we have to care for people who are unwell as well as those who are vulnerable or frail. We know the public understand the importance and the reasons we have to continue to enforce these rules in healthcare settings.

    It is also only right that we remind people that they must come forward for their vaccine, you will receive a warm welcome at all our clinics. Together we can continue to protect patients and our staff so that we have the capacity to treat everyone who needs it if pressures continue to increase.

    People accessing healthcare settings should:

    • Wear a face covering
    • Use the alcohol gel available or wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds
    • Avoid touching the front of any face covering as it is likely to be contaminated
    • Maintaining a safe distance from others wherever possible
    • Practicing good hand hygiene

    To find out more about the Covid vaccine and where walk-in clinics are across the district please visit www.bit.ly/CovidVaccineBDC