• 6TH MARCH 2023
    World Hearing Day marked at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

    World Hearing Day marked at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s Listening for Life Centre has marked World Hearing Day (3 March) by highlighting its contribution to promoting ear and hearing care across the world. The landmark, hi-tech centre of excellence is home to the…

    • 3RD MARCH 2023
    Cancer nurse specialists in Bradford urge women to be ovarian cancer aware

    Cancer nurse specialists in Bradford urge women to be ovarian cancer aware

    Know what’s normal for your body, be symptom aware, visit your GP to get checked and be persistent if you still don’t feel right – that’s the simple message from the local NHS that could save women’s lives. As part of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s specialist gynaecology cancer nurses
    • 28TH FEBRUARY 2023
    Bradford Hospitals’ support for colleagues during the holy month of Ramadan

    Bradford Hospitals’ support for colleagues during the holy month of Ramadan

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals is taking a proactive approach to supporting Muslim colleagues and creating an inclusive workplace for them during the holy month of Ramadan. The Trust has unveiled its unique ‘Ramadan Experience @BTHFT’, a project designed to cement its position as a ‘Ramadan friendly employer.’ The idea has come from the Trust’s Spiritual, Pastoral
    • 24TH FEBRUARY 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Welcome to Mel Pickup’s weekly round-up. In this week’s edition we round-up stories from throughout the month. The month started with a feature on Our Partners as we heard about how support from our partners throughout the region helps to fund the amazing work…