Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week Mel focuses on Our People with a film about our legacy nurse mentors. These are experienced registered nurses employed specifically to provide support and coaching to our new nurses and nursing associates, to help them stay happy and healthy at the Trust….

    • 6TH SEPTEMBER 2023
    Claire and Lucy’s Great North Run for Axl

    Claire and Lucy’s Great North Run for Axl

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals’ Emergency Department Senior Sister, Lucy Lowe and Health Care Assistant, Claire Walker, are running this year’s Great North Run in memory of Claire’s son Axl, who sadly passed away just before his third birthday in 2018. The…

    • 5TH SEPTEMBER 2023
    Bradford clinicians on a mission to raise awareness of prostate cancer

    Bradford clinicians on a mission to raise awareness of prostate cancer

    Bradford clinicians are on a mission to raise awareness of prostate cancer after figures reveal that the Yorkshire region has the worst rate in England for men diagnosed with the disease too late to be cured. The National audit figures show that 20.1 per cent of…

    • 4TH SEPTEMBER 2023
    The Diversity Exchange

    The Diversity Exchange

    The Diversity Exchange is the place based approach for all things related to; equity, diversity, belonging, social connections and trust.  It’s a one stop online platform, open to all organisations and designed to be a ‘meeting space’ or a ‘point’ in…