• 15TH DECEMBER 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week we look back on another fantastic year of fundraising for our Trust by Bradford Hospitals Charity and remind ourselves of some of the highlights. Thanks to their support, we’ve been able to invest in new equipment and services to improve the experiences…

    • 13TH DECEMBER 2023
    Junior doctors strike action

    Junior doctors strike action

    In England, junior doctors will take strike action from 7am on Wednesday, 20 December to 7am on Saturday, 23 December. It is likely that junior doctors will also take strike action from 7am on 3 January to 7am on 9 January 2024. The strike action will significantly…

    • 8TH DECEMBER 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week Mel highlights our fantastic team of volunteers – from hospital radio to guides, our tea bars to ward helpers – who play a hugely important role in the life of our hospitals. We hear from one of our longstanding volunteers, Jennifer Smith,…

    • 7TH DECEMBER 2023
    West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership shares mental health support information for winter

    West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership shares mental health support information for winter

    West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership offers a range of self-help resources online to help everyone stay as healthy as possible throughout the holiday season and beyond. This means helping people to manage their mental health and emotional wellbeing as well…