Over 60? You can book your Covid-19 vaccination today
IF YOU are over 60 you can now book your COVID-19 vaccination using the National Booking Service. If not, you will be contacted when it is your turn. Please do not contact your GP practice for an appointment https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/
Big increase in student nurses keen to join Bradford Teaching Hospitals
NURSING applications have soared across the country as thousands are inspired by the commitment of NHS staff, new data from the university applications body UCAS suggested today. The rise in interest in a nursing career has also been reflected at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with student nurses keen to join 'Team Bradford'. KarenFoundation Trust aims to deliver outstanding maternity service
BRADFORD Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust has announced it is taking steps to become an outstanding maternity service provider. The maternity team at Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) has launched a two-year programme of work which is set to transform care for…