• Successful results released for Novavax vaccine trial co-hosted by Bradford

    THE Novavax COVID-19 vaccine trial, delivered locally by the NIHR Patient Recruitment Centre: Bradford and involving over 700 volunteers from in and around the city, has now published a new set of promising results.

    The latest data indicates the vaccine offers 100 per cent protection against severe disease, 96 per cent efficacy against the original strain of COVID-19 and efficacy against the newer variants of COVID-19, which have been confirmed in the UK and South Africa.

    The UK approach to delivering this trial, which involved NIHR patient recruitment centres in Bradford, Exeter, and Blackpool, was lauded an unparalleled success in a recently published NIHR case study: ‘UK leads rapid delivery of Novavax Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trial’.

    The trial completed recruitment in record time and is the largest double blind, placebo-controlled COVID-19 vaccine trial to be undertaken in the UK to date. A total of 726 volunteers took part in the trial in Bradford.

    Jess, a transformation manager from Yorkshire and the Humber, is one of the participants who took part in the study in Bradford.

    After receiving her first dose as part of the vaccine study, she said: “Taking part couldn’t have been a better process. I was sent lots of information and had the opportunity to read everything I was signing up to before I actually did it. I think I’m well supported and the staff made a real difference.”

    The UK public can continue to support the national effort to speed up vaccine research and receive more information about volunteering for future vaccine studies by visiting www.nhs.uk/researchcontact.

    The UK Government has already secured 60 million doses of the Novavax NVX-CoV2373 vaccine. Provided it meets standards on safety, effectiveness and quality, the vaccine will be manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) at its facility in Barnard Castle, County Durham.

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