• Let’s Talk with Mel Pickup

    This month’s Let’s Talk with Mel podcast is a great conversation with Nurse Bank Line Manager, Erica Jackson – or ‘Dear Erica’ as we have come to know her.

    Erica and her team look after hundreds of bank and agency staff here at the Trust. They ensure our shifts are filled with nurses, healthcare assistants (HCAs), midwives and operating department practitioners who support our wards and departments as we deliver acute services to the people of Bradford and beyond.

    In order to make bank and agency staff truly feel part of our BTHFT family and give them a greater voice, Erica created the initiative ‘Dear Erica’, which has become hugely successful and is just about to celebrate its second birthday.

    The ‘Dear Erica’ postbox and the ‘Dear Erica’ Facebook page enables bank and agency staff to leave comments, book shifts and engage with teams and wards they are supporting.

    Tune in to see how this innovative project – which has gained recognition from NHS England – has created a real community across our Trust.