General surgery
What we do
The Department of General Surgery is made up of nine surgeons, who form the Colorectal team (five surgeons) and the Upper Gastrointestinal team (four surgeons). The Department provides emergency general surgery to the Bradford area.
The Surgical Assessment Unit is based on ward 20 and patients are referred there directly from GPs, A&E and outpatients for assessment and treatment.
The service is consultant-led with twice daily ward rounds and is supported by acute radiology and acute theatres.
The assessment area is staffed by senior nurses, advanced nurse practitioners, and junior doctors.
Paediatric surgical emergencies are seen in Bradford but only some conditions. For example, appendicitis and abscesses are treated in Bradford. More complex cases are referred to Leeds.
Elective activity
The colorectal team provide a wide range of services, including:
- treatment for colon and rectal cancer
- a multi-disciplinary team for the treatment of colon malignancy
- advanced laproscopic colon surgery
- The Early Rectal Cancer Tertiary Referral Centre
- surgery for inflammatory bowel disease and multi-disciplinary assessment
- pelvic floor clinic
- emergency and outpatient assessment of rectal bleeding and anorectal conditions
The upper GI team provide a wide range of services, including:
- assessment and surgical treatment of patients with gastric and esophageal cancer
- provision of the multi-disciplinary team for gastric and oesophageal cancer for West Yorkshire (including Airedale and Calderdale)
- bariatric surgery for patients with morbid obesity through the bariatric multi-disciplinary team
- assessment and surgical treatment of patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), hiatus hernia and dysmotility
Both teams will electively treat patients with gallstone disease, all abdominal wall hernia, and various skin lesions.
There is no elective pancreatic or thoracic surgery in Bradford. Patients requiring major pancreatic or thoracic surgery are referred to Leeds.
The general surgical team do not see elective paediatric patients nor carry out elective paediatric surgery. However, Mr Crabbe, a specialist paediatric surgeon from Leeds, holds regular clinics and theatre lists from Bradford.
Patient information leaflets
Who we are
Upper GI Surgeons
Ahmed Elshaer, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
Jay Gokhale, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
James Halstead, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
Paul Manby, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
John May, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
Paul Needham, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
Ajay Sud (Locum Consultant)
Colorectal Surgeons
Sonia Lockwood, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Mark Steward, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Justin Davies, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Karen Maude, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Francis Mosley, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Pete Webster, Consultant Surgeon
Tabitha Gana, Consultant Surgeon
Henry Watson, Consultant Surgeon
Consultant contact information
Lisa Riley | Medical Secretary to Mr JC May, Consultant Upper GI/General Surgeon; Medical Secretary to Mr PJ Needham, Consultant Upper GI/General Surgeon. 01274 272439. |
Rachel Harney | Medical Secretary to Mr JC Halstead, Consultant Upper GI/General Surgeon; Medical Secretary to Mr PJ Needham, Consultant Upper GI/General Surgeon. 01274 273653. |
Gail Conlan | Medical Secretary to Miss S Lockwood, Consultant Colorectal/General Surgeon; Medical Secretary to Miss F R Mosley , Consultant Colorectal Surgeon. 01274 274068. |
Kathryn Laycock | Medical Secretary to Mr JA Gokhale, Consultant Upper GI/General Surgeon; Medical Secretary to Mr P Manby, Consultant Upper GI/General Surgeon. 01274 272037. |
Shelley Barrett | Medical Secretary to Miss Tabitha Gana, Consultant Surgeon, and Mr Pete Webster, Consultant Surgeon. 01274 276819 |
Jo Hellawell | Medical Secretary to Mr JB Davies, Consultant Colorectal/General Surgeon; Medical Secretary to Mr MA Steward, Consultant Colorectal/General Surgeon. 01274 272046. |
Gillian Priestley | Academic PA GI Surgery, Yorkshire and Humberside Higher Surgical Training Programme. 01274 272759. |
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