• Face masks and coverings to be worn by all hospital outpatients and visitors

    VISITORS to Bradford Teaching Hospitals and people attending outpatients’ appointments must wear a face mask or face covering at all times to protect them and others from coronavirus (Covid-19) from Monday.

    The new guidance came into force on June 15, and applies to hospitals across the UK, including those which are part of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Bradford Royal Infirmary, St Luke’s Hospital, Westbourne Green and Westwood Park.

    Karen Dawber, the Trust’s Chief Nurse, said: “Evidence from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) previously confirmed face coverings can help reduce the risk of transmission if you are suffering from coronavirus, but not showing symptoms.

    “As a result, we are now asking all members of the public coming to our hospitals to wear a mask or face covering when they arrive. This will help to protect them and others. This can be a fabric, non-medical mask. In the event of an emergency, a face mask will be provided.

    “We are also asking that as well as wearing a mask or face covering, visitors and outpatients continue to use the alcohol gel provided on all our wards and departments on entering and leaving. It is vitally important to maintain good hand hygiene at all times and to wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet and before eating.

    “We would also like to remind visitors of observing the two-metre social distancing rules.”

    For more information on wearing masks at Bradford Teaching Hospitals, please watch the short film below, which is available in English and Urdu.

    NHS staff already wear face masks in clinical areas within two metres of a patient, but this new guidance now applies to everyone working in all areas of the hospital.

    A reminder – please observe the following advice

    • In addition to wearing a face covering or mask, we would ask that visitors use the alcohol gel available in all ward and departments on entering and leaving.
    • Please do not touch the front of your face covering or mask as it is likely to be contaminated
    • Ensure you maintain 2 meters distance between you and others wherever possible
    • Please wash your hands after visiting the toilet or before you eat or drink
    • Evidence from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) previously confirmed face coverings can help reduce the risk of transmission if you are suffering from coronavirus, but not showing symptoms.
    • NHS staff already wear face masks in clinical areas within 2 metres of a patient, but this new guidance applies to everyone working in all areas of the hospital.
    • Members of the public are strongly urged to attend hospital wearing a face covering, but a face mask will be provided in emergencies.


    For further media information, please contact communications@bthft.nhs.uk or call 01274 382265