Welcome to our equality and diversity pages. This is where you will find out what we are doing on equality and diversity to improve employment opportunities and services in Bradford District for all staff and patients. Our equality and diversity work is done in partnership with:

  • Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
  • Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust
  • Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group

Our Equality Diversity & Inclusion Strategy 2023-2025

At Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust we are fully committed to equality and diversity, both as an employer and a service provider.

Our EDI Strategy outlines our commitment to equality for patients and staff.  It is important to us that we move beyond just complying with our duties, that we are proactive and continually striving to improve – we want to reach a point where equity, diversity and inclusion is evident in all that we do, in our services, our partnership work and in our employment offer.

Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy document includes 5 refreshed strategic EDI objectives for 2023-2025 which have been developed and shaped through targeted consultation and involvement with internal and external stakeholders.

The EDI Strategy 2023-2025

The NHS Equality Delivery System (EDS2022)

The Equality Delivery System (EDS) is a toolkit designed by the Department of Health to help NHS organisations to improve the services they provide for their local communities, consider health inequalities in their local area and provide better working environments that are free of discrimination, as set out in the  Equality Act 2010. This work must include involvement and partnership working with local partners and local communities. The EDS helps NHS organisations meet their Public Sector Equality Duty.

Since its launch in 2011 the NHS Equality Delivery System 2 has been used across the partnership within the NHS to:

  • Assess our performance in addressing our Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) priorities.
  • Provide opportunities for stakeholders to analyse our performance data and input into that assessment.
  • Assist with identifying our EDI priorities for the future.
  • Provide opportunities to work in partnership to deliver and assess those priorities consistently.

In 2022 NHS England launched a new Equality Delivery System 2022 framework following a review of the EDS2. EDS 2022 is a tool designed for both NHS commissioners and NHS providers.

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, along with partner organisations within the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.  To support consistent assessment and involvement of all our communities in our EDI work, organisations within the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership have agreed that for EDS2022 partners will work together to:

  • Share and compare data and information.
  • Engage and involve stakeholders in EDS2022 processes together.
  • ‘Peer review’ our assessment processes and outcomes to promote consistency of approach and score.
  • Share and co-create the materials needed to implement the EDS22 to ensure effective use of our resources.

The EDS2022 Report for Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust can be viewed here: EDS2022 Report for BTHFT 2023-24

For more information on the report or our partnership approach please contact Kez Hayat, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – kez.hayat@bthft.nhs.uk

October 2023 - Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)

NHS England require all health providers to provide information about the position and experience of our Ethnic Minority staff through an annual WRES return. We have completed our return for 2023. Below is a document detailing the WRES indicators, our narrative findings and associated action plan for the year 2023/24 (and previous years) which shows what we intend to do:

WRES Data and Analysis (as at March 2023)
WRES Report and Action Plan 2023/2024

WRES Data and Analysis (as at March 2022)
WRES Report and Action Plan 2022/2023

People Academy Presentation: Focus on WRES / WDES
WRES Action Plan 2021-22
WRES Action Plan 2020-21
WRES Action Plan 2019-20
WRES report 2017
WRES action plan 2017-18

October 2023 - Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES)

NHS England require all health providers to provide information about the position and experience of Disabled staff through an annual WDES return. We have completed our return for 2023. Below is a document detailing the WDES metrics, our narrative findings and associated action plan for this year 2023/24 (and previous years), which shows what we intend to do:

WDES Data and Analysis (as at March 2023)
WDES Report and Action Plan 2023/2024

WDES Data and Analysis (as at March 2022)
WDES Report and Action Plan 2022/2023

People Academy Presentation: Focus on WRES / WDES
WDES Action Plan 2021-22
WDES Action Plan 2020-21
WDES Action Plan 2019-20
BTHFT Staff Disability Equality and Disability Leave Policy

Equality update

The board of directors receives a six-monthly update on our progress report on how we are delivering our equality objectives. The latest updates can be found in board papers.

Picture: Lorne Campbell / Guzelian
Staff at Bradford Royal Infirmary and St Luke's Hospital, Bradford, West Yorkshire.


You and your family have the right to be treated fairly and be routinely involved in decisions about your treatment and care. You can expect to be treated with dignity and respect.

You will not be discriminated against on any grounds including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. You have a responsibility to treat other patients and our staff with dignity and respect.


You have the right to be treated fairly in recruitment and career progression. You can expect to work in an environment where diversity is valued and equality of opportunity is promoted. You will not be discriminated against on any grounds including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. You have a responsibility to ensure that you treat our patients and your colleagues with dignity and respect.

Equality impact assessment

We carry out Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) on all of our policies and service change/development proposals.

The gender pay gap at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

Following Government consultation, it became mandatory on March 31, 2017 for public sector organisations with more than 250 employees to report annually on their gender pay gap (GPG).

The new reporting requirements for public bodies are set out in the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017. Below is a document detailing our GPG data submission and associated Gender Equality action plan for 2024-2025 (and previous years), which shows what we intend to do: