Help with fares

If you are attending an NHS hospital for treatment you may be entitled to the cost of bus fare or possibly mileage allowance (this does not usually include taxi fares, unless it is deemed totally inappropriate to use public transport) to or from the hospital if:

  • you or your partner receive income support, income-based job seekers’ allowance, family credit or disability working allowance
  • your income is low enough (claim on form HC1)
  • you are attending a sexually-transmitted disease clinic more than 15 miles from your home
  • you get a war or MOD disablement pension and are being treated for your war injury

Payment can be made at any hospital. Please ask at main reception points. We may also pay for an escort to travel with you if it is considered medically necessary. The doctor or nurse looking after you will make this decision.

If you are visiting a patient who is a partner or close relative, you may be able to get help with your travel costs if you are receiving income support or income-based job seekers’ allowance. You can obtain the claim form from your local social services office.

Where to go on arrival

When you arrive at the hospital please go straight to the ward specified on your admission letter. To enable the ward staff to admit you without delay, it is important that you bring the following documents:

  • Admission letter
  • New NHS number (obtainable from your family doctor)
  • Postcode of your home address
  • Pension book number and amount payable (if applicable)
  • War pension details (if applicable)
  • The name and surgery address of your family doctor
  • Your Bradford hospital number if you have one

What to bring

Below is a list of items you may need during your stay:

  • Medicines you usually take, prescribed by your GP or which you buy from a chemist or other shop (please give these to your nurse).
  • Toiletries including toothbrush/toothpaste/denture pots etc.
  • Shaving equipment.
  • Sanitary towels or tampons.
  • Nightwear, dressing gown, slippers.
  • Small amount of comfortable clothes to wear during the day that are easy to put on and take off which do not restrict movement.
  • Enclosed shoes or trainers.
  • A small amount of money (cash machines are available at the Bradford Royal Infirmary and St Luke’s Hospital).

Mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other entertainment devices are permitted in most areas. If you want to bring these, it is at your own risk.

If you chose to keep anything on the ward, please make sure you fill out a patient disclaimer form.

Day case patients should only bring what is required for the time you are with us.

Please do not bring the following:

  • Large amounts of money.
  • Alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Jewellery apart from a wedding ring.

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust cannot be liable for damage, loss or theft of your personal items.

A photo of main reception in Bradford Royal Infirmary

Accessible information standard (AIS)

The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) is a new national standard that all organisations providing NHS or adult social care are required to implement.

The AIS ensures that patients, carers and parents of patients, and visitors who have a disability or sensory loss receive information they can access and understand. We strive to ensure that information is given in the appropriate format and all patient information is produced according to the accessible standards set by the UK Association for Accessible Formats. This includes:

  • large font patient letters and patient information leaflets
  • verbal and visual communication support
  • patient information and patient letters in braille
  • email and text reminders
  • personalised communication for people with a learning disability
  • communication support using the ‘This is me’ leaflet for people who have dementia
  • hearing loops at our sites

If you have a specific communication need, please call the service under which you are being treated. You can find contact details on your appointment letter or on the services pages of this website.


You will be asked which ethnic group you belong to. This information is collected to enable the Trust to ensure that the service provided meets the needs of our patients.

Entitlement to NHS treatment

There are occasions when patients may be required to prove residency in the UK and entitlement to NHS treatment. Please help our staff if they require this information.

Dignity and respect

You and your family have the right to be treated fairly and be routinely involved in decisions about your treatment and care. You can expect to be treated with dignity and respect. You will not be discriminated against on any grounds including age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation. You have a responsibility to treat other patients and our staff with dignity and respect.

Privacy and dignity for all

Every patient has the right to receive high quality care that is safe, effective and respects their privacy and dignity. Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is committed to providing every patient with same sex accommodation.

Sharing with members of the opposite sex will only happen by exception, based on clinical need (for example where patients need specialist equipment or care such as in our intensive care unit, coronary care unit or high dependency unit). If this is necessary we will make every effort to move you to a same sex area as soon as possible.