Healthcare Assistant

Healthcare assistant Sidra Hussain loves the fast pace and variety of our wards – but it’s the interesting people that keep her smiling every day.

“I knew I wanted to work in a caring profession when I left school and my apprenticeship in a nursing home gave me my first taste,” explains Sidra.  Keen to progress, she’s now a key member of the ward 9 team – the Trust’s short stay-ward, where she’s rewarded every day by some of the fascinating people who pass through our doors.

“I love seeing people improve. They arrive in the ward very unwell, and during their stay with us I see them improve until they are well enough to go home.  It’s very rewarding.

Love work

“There’s some real characters here – both our patients and my colleagues – and I love coming to work every day.”

Sidra chose Bradford Teaching Hospitals because of the opportunities for career development working at the Trust gives her.

“I’m working as a healthcare assistant now, but there are so many options to consider once I have some more experience. I’ve always been interested in being a paramedic, and there’s the new Nursing Associate roles which offer a stepping stone to becoming a registered nurse.

“These are all things that I’m thinking about for the future, and in Bradford they’re a serious option for me.”

Sidra Hussain

Our healthcare assistants are a crucial part of the care team and receive the training and support they need to care for patients and prepare for their future.

As a healthcare assistant in Bradford you’ll build the foundations you need for a rewarding and successful career, wherever you’ve set your sights.

Ambitious nurses can progress at Bradford Teaching Hospitals, and the Trust actively supports nursing career development, providing the support, training and opportunities to specialise and advance.

Whatever your aspirations as a nurse, the Trust is a great place to make your next move.