Latif is currently the only Muslim Court Chaplain in the UK. Working part time for BCCS “Assist” since 2009 when this unique innovation was established. The charity prides itself on providing free personal, practical and spiritual assistance for all court users at both courts in Bradford. Having had 20 years’ experience as a Community Resource Manager at a primary school where he was a valuable asset to staff, parents and pupils alike. Living and working amongst the community, Latif is seen as a positive inspiration to others. 2008 saw Latif become the Spiritual Advisor at Lynfield Mount Hospital, where patients are vulnerable and need a listening ear to make a difference to their mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Being a team member of the BTHFT SPaRC team has given him the experience to support patients, family members and staff. The transferable skills and qualities he has gained have led him to be in a privileged position to help others.