I joined the trust early 2023 to work within the Haemoglobinopathies team. Prior to this I have spent some time working in an addiction service, followed by 8 years in IAPT (a mental health initiative) settings. More than half of my time in IAPT included development of a long-term conditions aspect of the service and I have a special interest in using CBT and ACT for working with long-term health conditions.

In my current role, I work mainly with adults who have a diagnosis of Sickle Cell or Thalassemia. I work closely with the Haemoglobinopathies team to provide a combined approach to treatment. I value the opportunity to support others through difficult times in their life. My approach to treatment is non-judgemental and empathic. I work collaboratively with my patients to offer a space to feel understood and a comfortable learning environment.

If you are under the care of the Haemoglobinopathies team, you will likely meet me at your annual reviews. This appointment is to check-in with how you are feeling and whether you need any support from me. Outside of your reviews, you can ask for a referral to Psychology by speaking with any of the team including your consultant, CNS, or community counsellor.