Qualifications: BSc MD FRCP

John graduated from the University of Edinburgh and trained in the West Midlands and Yorkshire and the Humber before taking up a consultant post in Bradford in 2003. He was renal clinical lead for Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Clinical Network from 2013-17.

His main interests include renal care in the community (including the development of e-consultation and other IT solutions for chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury – previous Innovation in Renal Medicine (2011) and BMJ Team of the Year (2013) awards), renal transplantation (including living donation in the Bradford community), transitional care for adolescents and young adults with kidney conditions, metabolic renal stone disease and polycystic kidney disease (with dedicated clinics for both).

Other main interests include multidisciplinary team quality improvement projects (including the Tackling AKI Health Foundation project, the development of a cultural and health improvement officer post to support the care of South Asian patients in Bradford, and the national KQuIP initiative), postgraduate medical education (including simulation training for core medicine trainees), sustainable healthcare and clinical research.

Patient-centred care is central to these interests and there are ongoing initiatives to involve patients more in providing feedback about their experience of care (PREM) and shaping future developments through direct contributions to multidisciplinary team-working groups, patient forums and the Transforming Participation in CKD national programme.