
Name: Hafsah Hussain

Job title: Orthoptist

Age: 24

Qualifications: Degree in Orthoptics

Why did you decide to become an AHP? I wanted to do something in my career that is challenging, interesting, and makes a difference to people’s daily lives. In the Orthoptic profession you deal with many aspects of patient care, and I enjoy the variety in the routine.

How did you train for your role? I studied at the University of Sheffield for three years. During this time I attended lectures and seminars. Throughout the year I also took part in clinical placements, which saw me attend many different orthoptic departments around the UK.

Length of time in role: Two years

Length of time at BTHFT: Two years

What do you do? As an orthoptist my role is to investigate and manage disorders of binocular vision and defects of eye movements.

Orthoptist Hafsah Hussain
Orthoptist Hafsah Hussain

What do you enjoy most about your job? There are many aspects I enjoy. However the most rewarding and satisfying is being able to help rehabilitate patients and give them their ‘normal’ back.

What professional achievement are you most proud of? I’m most proud of being the first member of my family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Which other teams do you work with? Ophthalmology, Maxillofacial, and the Stroke Ward

What are your future career plans? I’d like to study further and specialise in a specific category of orthoptics. I would also like to focus on the study of neurology and eyes.