Speciality  Orthoptics

Qualifications: BMedSci Vision and Strabismus 2007; Optima Low Vision Practitioning 2011; MMedSci Vision and Strabismus 2014; BIOS Clinical Tutors Course 2017; Postgraduate Stroke Course 2020.

Areas of expertise: Strabismus (squint), Amblyopia (lazy eye), diplopia (double vision), binocular anomalies (difficulty using two eyes together), low vision, stroke/neuro, clinical teaching.


  • Steel DA, Griffiths HJ (2007). The effect of split or single Fresnel prisms on visual acuity with both eyes open. Br Ir Orthopt J, 4, 94.
  • DA Steel, CJ Codina, GE Arblaster (2019). Amblyopia treatment and quality of life: the child’s perspective on atropine versus patching. Strabismus, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09273972.2019.1643894.