For many years, I have demonstrated energy, persistence and endeavour in community affairs, contributing enormously to the welfare and the welling of communities in the Bradford district and beyond. I continue to lead from the front and remain persistently active in the life of the City. A highly respected and liked personality across all sections of the communities; I am a living, vibrant example of ‘unity within diversity. My contribution and involvement evidence this over the years in many different and diverse areas of community life. Professionally, I have amassed over 15 years of experience in the voluntary/community sector both within the local authority as an elected member and a Deputy Executive to The Health & Wellbeing portfolio and a Deputy Executive to the Education, Skills and Employment Portfolio. In addition, I have been instrumental in grassroots communities. This started by supporting people with Learning disabilities and mental ill health alongside their carers to become more independent and enjoy life the way they want. I combine my current professional role with my activism and passion for interfaith, youth and community development, charitable work, and social and civil cohesion. I am a qualified social worker and a mental health champion for the district.
Amongst other significant endeavors, I have worked closely with Professor John Wright Director for Bradford Institute for Health Research in securing £4.7 million in funding from the National Institute of Health Research to help set up a Detriments Research Centre in the next five years.
The NHS is important to me and the general population in Bradford. With the struggles and health inequalities we face it is important we ensure our NHS does not become privatised and we are in a position to support.
Other active roles have included:
Chair of The Girlington Centre
Management Committee Member – Roshni Ghar A Mental Health Charity
Chair – HR Committee – West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority,
Board Member – Local Pension Board, Community Safety lead representative, Member- Yorkshire & Humber Local Authorities Employers Association
Executive Member – West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority,
Co – Applicant – National Institution for Health & Care Research and Member of Yorkshire & Humber (Local Authorities) Employers Association.