I trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) from 2014-2016 whilst I was working in mental health related settings. I have worked for BTHFT since 2017, my last job was based within research at Bradford Institute for Health Research. Prior to that I have worked in education, health promotion and prevention and, counselling based therapies. I currently work as a CBT practitioner with patients from various referral pathways including cardiac, diabetes, renal and chronic pain.

Usually people are in distress after they have endured an illness or received a diagnoses of a long- term health condition. They are referred to this service at a point where they need psychological support to help them make sense of what’s happened to them and how they can make changes in their life. CBT is a talking therapy focused on problem solving and solution focused approaches. I work with people by creating a safe space to explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviours to help to achieve these goals and aims. It very satisfying to see people move on from a place of discomfort and distress to a place where they have worked out solutions for their issues and feel at ease and more in control of the situation.

In my spare time I enjoy being outdoors and spending time with family and friends.