• COVID patient urges people to get vaccinated from hospital ward

    A BRADFORD Royal Infirmary (BRI) patient who was desperately ill with COVID-19 after refusing the vaccine, has sent a powerful message to people who are still reluctant to have their jabs.

    Abderrahmane Fadil, 60 (pictured), who was admitted to hospital, “gasping for breath”, said: “Refusing the jab was the biggest mistake of my life. I would go to hell and back now to get the vaccine.

    “COVID is not something to be played with. It’s not a joke. The vaccine is a life-saver for mankind. It’s vital to survive so please do not hesitate to get it as I did.”

    Mr Fadil, who lives in Bradford with his wife, Khadija and two young sons, Rayan, nine and Aryan, seven, became emotional when speaking of his “epic journey of recovery” from the virus. He spent nine days on a COVID ward at BRI, part of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

    “When I was brought in, I was gasping for breath and my temperature had soared. I was very frightened. My little boys were crying; they have cried every day when ‘FaceTiming’ me.  I’ve just kept trying to reassure them that daddy won’t die and he’ll be home soon but at times I wasn’t sure.


    “I have family in all parts of the world and they were very concerned. Some of them travelled to Bradford to see me but of course they were unable to visit. They have all been praying for me.”

    Originally from Casablanca, Morocco, Mr Fadil lived in London for many years, where he studied medicine and forensic science. He moved north and trained as a teacher and now teaches a variety of subjects including science at a number of schools in the West Yorkshire area, including Bradford.

    He was offered the COVID-19 vaccine back in February when people aged 60 and over were called.

    He said: “The invite for the jab came and I was a little hesitant as I was so well at the time. I was a bit reluctant and just thought I’ll hold my horses and maybe get it later. I never really believed I would get COVID or it would make me so ill. I know differently now.”

    Mr Fadil, who has now recovered enough to go home to be reunited with his family, praised staff at BRI for looking after him.

    Saved my life

    “I could not have wished for a better place for my care. I cannot thank staff enough. They have done everything for me. They have literally saved my life. When I am fully recovered and feeling stronger, I would like to become a volunteer for BTHFT to give something back. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.”

    Respiratory Consultant Tanveer Khalid, part of the team responsible for Mr Fadil’s care said: “Mr Fadil has been very lucky. He was extremely poorly when he was admitted and needed life-saving CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy.

    “We are so pleased he is now well enough to be back at home but I hope people will listen to his message. The majority of very sick COVID patients we have on our wards are here because they have refused the vaccine.

    “We have other poorly patients on the wards, who have had their COVID vaccine but they have been brought into hospital due to other conditions and it is those other conditions making them ill, not COVID. This proves the vaccines are working. I’m appealing to everyone; anyone over 18 can now get the jab. Please go and get it. It could save your life.”
