Ward 12

Two parents/carers only to accompany children who are attending for daycase surgery or procedures. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate siblings at this time.

Ward 30/32

Visiting hours: 2.00pm until 7.00pm

We have an intercom system for entry to the ward. Press the buzzer once and, when asked, state the full name of the child you wish to visit. We aim to answer the door as soon as possible, but during busy periods this may take a little longer. We ask that, for the safety and security of patients, you do not allow others onto the ward as you exit and enter. You will need to ask a member of staff to let you off the ward as this is done by swipe card only.

Relatives and friends are very welcome to visit children between the visiting hours 2.00pm to 7.00pm.

A maximum of three visitors per bed at any one time (this includes children).


We do not have a visitors waiting area on the unit, therefore we advise that additional visitors wait in the main hospital concourse on level 1, until they are able to visit whilst following the visiting times and rules.

Children who are visiting the ward must be supervised at all times by an adult. For security purposes, please let staff know if you are expecting visitors for your child when no parent is present.

Please ask your visitors to:

  • think about other patients so that everyone gets the rest and privacy they need
  • wash or gel their hands on arrival and exit
  • remain within your child’s bed space
  • use chairs provided for visitors – please ask a member of staff if you are unable to find any
  • not sit on beds as this can spread germs
  • not visit if they have a cough, cold or any other possibly infectious condition


Some children will be required to be nursed in single side rooms, due to a number of reasons:

  • children who have a lower immune system making it easier for them to pick up infection
  • young babies before having immunisations
  • diarrhoea and vomiting
  • meningitis
  • infectious illnesses

Side rooms cannot be requested.

Children that are nursed in single side rooms should not access the activity room or other areas of the ward without checking with a nurse first. Play staff will be able to fetch toys and activities to your child’s room.

Visitors including children must also remain in the side room to prevent the spread of infection. Check with your nurse before arranging visitors as with some infectious illnesses it is best not to have visitors. Preventing infection Patients and visitors have an important part to play in helping us stop infections that can spread in hospitals such as MRSA, C Diff and others. These are called healthcare associated infections.

Here’s how you and your visitors can help:

  • use hand gels on coming into and going out of the ward
  • keep your hands and body clean
  • always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the toilet, commode or bedpan
  • wash your hands before and after you eat
  • bring in your own toiletries and try not to borrow these from other patients

All staff should wash their hands or use hand gel hands prior to undertaking examinations or procedures.

If any of your friends and family are unwell please ask them to stay at home and not visit you in hospital to prevent the spread of infection. They should be free of symptoms for 48 hours before visiting you.

bird steps


Any aggressive behaviour, violence, verbal or physical abuse or discrimination will not be tolerated. If necessary we will call security and the police. Bradford Royal Infirmary entrances are locked from 9pm until 6.30am. The only way into the hospital after 9.00pm is through the main entrance.

We have a team of security staff based at the Bradford Royal Infirmary 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Aggressive and Anti-Social Behaviour If someone behaves aggressively towards the staff we will record it and take action. You may be asked to leave the ward. We will call security and the police if necessary.

Smoke-free NHS

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is a smokefree organisation. You are not permitted to smoke or use e-cigarettes in any of the hospital buildings or grounds.

Getting here

See information on:

Local Taxi Services

  • Girlington All Over: 01274 488595
  • Ace Budget Taxis: 01274 481818

Restaurants, cafes and shops

Marks and Spencer
Monday to Friday: 7.00am to 8.00pm
Weekends: 8.00am to 8.00pm

Costa Coffee
Monday – Friday: 7.00am to 8.30pm
Weekends: 8.00am to 8.00pm

Lifestyle Restaurant
Monday to Friday: 7.00am to 7.00pm
Weekends: 8.00am to 3.00pm

Cash machines are located on level 1 near ward 22 and on the main hospital concourse.