The asthma nurses Dawn and Lucy run 2 asthma/wheeze nurse led clinics a week. They take referrals from paediatric consultants, the children’s ward and the ambulatory care (ACE) team. Our respiratory assistant Emily performs spirometry and FeNO within in these clinics and can also perform these tests at home when needed. They do home visits and liaise with schools to ensure our children have all the support they need. They support children on the ward who have been admitted with asthma and provide education to help them manage their asthma when they go home.
Children’s asthma nurse specialists
Emily our Respiratory assistant does lung function on all our children, as well as collecting and chasing up samples and ordering all the different bits of equipment that these children need.
Paul (Children’s Respiratory CNS) has children with Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Primary Cilary Dyskinesia (PCD) and Bronchiectasis. The team care for these children from diagnosis very early in life, right through to transition to adult services at age 17-18 years. They run MDT clinics on Thursdays and Fridays. Paul also runs the home IV antibiotic service and the PROS service along with the Specialist respiratory physios. This allows the children to have treatments out of hospital.