The Children’s Community Team is made up of Nurses, Healthcare Support Workers and Play staff and we work closely with the Palliative care team, the Community Physiotherapists and Dieticians as well as the Clinical Nurse Specialists to keep children and young people requiring complex care out of hospital.

We cover the whole of the Bradford area and treat all patients that have a Bradford GP and are between 0-18 years old.

The team delivers care to 2 broad types of patients, those with a nursing need, requiring Community Nursing input and those who receive Continuing Care.

We work very closely with other members of the Multidisciplinary Team and with other services such as Social Care and Education.

Children’s Community Nursing Service (CCNS)

Community Nursing

As part of the community nursing role we care for children with a range of complex conditions and health needs which include, but are not limited to:

  • tube feeding support
  • complex wound care
  • outpatient intravenous antibiotics
  • oncology patient support (central venous access device ongoing care and delivery of low dose chemotherapy)
  • administration of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections
  • home oxygen
  • tracheostomy care and home ventilation
  • palliative care
  • support with specialist continence needs
  • training and support of families providing complex interventions to their child
  • training externally to education/respite settings and to personal assistant and personal health budget carers.

Continuing Care

Healthcare Support Workers from the Children’s Community Nursing Team (CCNT) will care for children and young people with complex healthcare needs, and deliver individualised care in the community setting. This may either be in families homes or education/respite settings, with the support of nurses in the team. (An assessment of need for each individual child/young person will be carried out prior to Continuing Care being commissioned for that child/young person).


Contact details


Telephone: 01274 365051

People with hearing and speech difficulties can contact us using the Relay UK App.

Text phone users will need to dial 18001 before the number above.

sea shell


We use a Friends and Family Test Questionnaire. It will only take a few moments of your time. This is also anonymous so we will not know who has completed the questionnaire. You can find out more about the Friends and Family Test on

  1. Visit the survey page
  2. Select ‘Continuing care’, ‘CCN Nurse visit’ or ‘training’
  3. Select date we visited and complete questions
  4. In question ‘What is the main reason for the answer you have given?’ please state either CCN visit (for nurse visits), Cont Care (for care shift) or Train (for any training delivered)

Healthier Together

Consistent, accurate and trustworthy healthcare advice to parents, carers, young people and professionals.

Healthier Together: Improving the health of children and young people in West Yorkshire

Bradford Hospitals Charity

Bradford Hospitals Charity

From providing vital equipment to paying for research into life-saving treatment, we help to create a friendlier environment, and provide state-of-the-art equipment.

Fundraising plays a key role in enhancing the lives of our patients at every one of our hospitals. The support and generosity of people like you – helps us go some way to achieving this; but there is always more to be done and as a charity we are always striving for the very best for our patients.

To find out more about our charity and the ways in which you can get involved to support any of our hospitals, please see the Bradford Hospitals’ Charity website.

All of our toys, play equipment and much more have been purchased through the charity. If you would like to make a donation, please state it is for the Children’s fund, Trust number 8314.

Amazon Wishlist

We have made a list of items we would like for the Children and Young People’s Unit through the Amazon wish list.

If you would like to purchase an item from our list please visit Bradford Hospitals Charity – Gifts in kind and select Bradford Children and Young People’s unit, which will then take you to our Amazon wish list page. Please follow the instructions from Amazon to purchase an item.

Delivery address
The Fundraising Team
Bradford Hospitals Charity
Duckworth Lane
Bradford BD9 6RJ


Information for families known to CCNT

Training for families can be provided by CCNT for the interventions their child requires, to family members and payed carers, this would be subject to eligibility. For further information please contact the CCN team and have a discussion with your named CCN/Band 6/Clinical Educator/Team Leader.

Information for professionals

Training can be provided by CCNT to education settings for the interventions the child/young person requires. For further information please contact the CCN team and have a discussion with a nurse about eligibility.
