If your child is booked for an Adoption Medical, you need to come to the Child Development Service, Horton Wing, St Luke’s Hospital.
The foster carer and social worker will need to attend with the child. Birth parents are also usually invited and can offer useful information about the child and family.
You will see one of the children’s doctors and there may be a child development assistant also in the clinic room.
The appointment takes around one hour. We will ask you some simple questions about past and current medical history and about what the child can do. We will measure weight/height or length/head circumference. We will examine the child and may need them to undress down to vest and pants. We will look in eyes with a light and listen to chest with stethoscope.
We will assess development with special toys and games.
Your child may need a blood test to check for blood borne viruses (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis).
After your appointment the doctor will complete a report for the social worker and for the adoption agency.
Results of any blood tests will be sent to GP and social worker.
One of the paediatricians, does the ‘ Initial health needs assessment’ for all children who become a Looked after child (children under social care). This medical assessment is a statutory requirement. A community nursery nurse is present during the consultation. Child attends the appointment with their current carer. On occasions, social worker or a representative from Children’s social care is present. Sometimes birth parents are invited depending upon the circumstances.
It is an opportunity to discuss any concerns about the child/ young person’s health, development or emotional well-being. It involves talking, checking height and weight, a short physical examination, and check of development. The community nursery nurse will also give the young person (11-16yrs) & their carer a questionnaire to complete. This is called a ‘Strengths and difficulties’ questionnaire. This information is used to make sure access to the right services take place for mental health and wellbeing.
Subsequently, the paediatrician creates a report with a ‘Health plan’ (plan of action with time frame) for professionals & carer to follow to make sure the child’s physical & emotional needs are met appropriately.
These appointments are managed by the Looked after Children’s team (under BDCT – Bradford district care trust) & social care.
Spina Bifida Clinic
Children with spina bifida are seen in the multidisciplinary spina bifida clinic in the Child Development Centre, Horton Wing, St Luke’s Hospital.
You will be seen by a team including:
- Consultant paediatrician
- Continence nurse specialist
- Children’s surgery nurse specialist
- Children’s physio
- Children’s dietitian
There may be a number of people in the room but we work together and are very friendly!
The appointment takes around forty-five minutes and we will work through a checklist to make sure we do not forget anything.
There will be plenty of time for you to ask any questions.
We will need to measure weight, height and head circumference.
We have sitting scales and hoist, and lying down length tape so please don’t worry if your child cannot stand. Please bring along the sling if you use a hoist.
We will examine your child – feet/legs/tummy/back.
We may need a urine sample so please bring along a catheter if your child uses these.
Please bring along any splints or callipers your child uses.
We have two charities attending most clinics – SHINE and ASBAH.
You can speak to them about any worries or concerns related to spina bifida. They can help you to fill in any forms. They will tell you what services and fun activities are going on.