Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    You may need a hanky at the ready for this week’s film, it’s a heart-warming story of how our Neonatal Unit colleagues develop an extra special bond with their new-born patients and their families. As part of World Prematurity Day – a national day of recognition…

    • 24TH NOVEMBER 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    It’s been another busy month here at the Trust, where we’ve been lucky to hear the stories of both our people and patients alike. We kicked off November by meeting Kismat Ara, a paediatric nurse here at the Trust and Rohingya refugee who came to Bradford with…

    • 10TH NOVEMBER 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week we’re sharing another big step on our Trust’s journey to digital transformation: safe, reliable, efficient, and secure digital patient consent – bringing many benefits for both patients and clinical colleagues. We hear from Consultant Anaesthetist…

    • 3RD NOVEMBER 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s weekly round-up: Our People This week we’re sharing the story of one of our newly qualified nurses, Kismat Ara, who came to Bradford with her family as Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh and has since forged a new life for herself in a nursing career here…