• 26TH JANUARY 2024
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    As January almost comes to a close, we take a look-back at Mel’s weekly videos this month. We kicked off the year with a special round-up of 2023, another year in which we continued to strive to ensure better experiences for both patients and colleagues alike….

    • 19TH JANUARY 2024
    Let’s Talk with Mel Pickup

    Let’s Talk with Mel Pickup

    Here’s the latest episode our Let’s Talk with Mel podcast in which Mel sits down with Aisha Mirza, a graduate management trainee here at the Trust, to talk about why she chose to work for the NHS, the support and experience she gets, and why she loves her role.

    • 12TH JANUARY 2024
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week’s round-up looks at the success story that is DFN Project SEARCH – a life-changing transition to work programme for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism spectrum conditions that our Trust is proud to partner with. We meet Joe, Acute Theatres…

    • 5TH JANUARY 2024
    Bradford pantomime stars to visit children’s ward – oh yes they are!

    Bradford pantomime stars to visit children’s ward – oh yes they are!

    Young patients at Bradford Royal Infirmary will have a ball of a time when the undisputed Bradford pantomime legend, Billy Pearce drops into the children’s ward to bring New Year sparkle and magic. Billy, aka Buttons is appearing in this year’s fairy godmother…