• 14TH JULY 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week’s video is the second in our special series celebrating the NHS reaching the remarkable milestone of its 75th anniversary. This marks seven decades of ground-breaking advancements that have transformed healthcare, and that same spirit of innovation…

    • 7TH JULY 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    In the month that we’re celebrating 75 years of the NHS, Mel’s weekly round-up reflects on this big birthday: how far our local NHS here in Bradford has come, how new technology is helping improve patient care in ways never before thought possible and why our…

    • 6TH JULY 2023
    The Princess Royal opens Bradford’s new maternity theatres

    The Princess Royal opens Bradford’s new maternity theatres

    HRH The Princess Royal officially opened the new state-of-the-art Maternity theatres at Bradford Royal Infirmary’s Women’s and Newborn Unit today (Thurs, 6 July). The Princess Royal visited the new facilities and met staff and mum Emily Gledhill, with her one-year-old…

    • 5TH JULY 2023
    Happy 75th birthday to the NHS

    Happy 75th birthday to the NHS

    NHS organisations across Bradford District and Craven are celebrating the NHS’ 75th birthday on Wednesday 5 July. As NHS organisations across the country mark 75 years of the NHS, staff are celebrating with NHS Big Tea parties to help raise money for local NHS…