Following a cardioprotective diet is one of the most important lifestyle changes you can make to prevent or treat cardiovascular disease – a condition which often leads to heart attacks and strokes. This leaflet will help you choose cardio-protective foods to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy
If you would like to join other patients online, we run a group talk through MS (microsoft) Teams on the 3rdThursday of each month at 2pm. These are hour-long interactive sessions so an opportunity for lots of discussion. You can book a place by asking your CR nurse or contacting the Dietitian’s office on 01274 365108
A good starting point to help your recovery in this area

British Dietetic Association
BDA provides you a fat food fact sheet which will help you understand how there are different types of fats and how these fats are required by the human body.

British Heart Foundation
BHA provides information regarding healthy eating and how it reduce the risk of heart disease in the human body.

British Heart Foundation
BHF will you understand how food labelling is important and how you can make better choices by understanding these labels.

British Dietetic Association
BDA provides you a fat food fact sheet which will help you understand how there are different types of fats and how these fats are required by the human body.
Answering some of your questions about support for diet recovery
What if I have more questions
If you would like any further information or contact us for appointment queries please call 01274 365108 (8.30am – 4.30pm) – answerphone available outside office hours.
You can contact us using the Relay UK app. Textphone users will need to dial 18001 01274 365108.
Bradford Royal Infirmary
Duckworth Lane