• BTHFT sends off its trainees in style!

    Dr. Mansoor Ali, Alida Towns and Faye Alexander from the Medical Education Department had organised a send-off to BTHFT trainees on the very last day of their rotation before they move on to the next one. The occasion was graced by the presence of our CMO Dr. Ray Smith, Prof Alex Brown, consultants from various department and trainee.

    We at BTHFT hoped that our trainees have had a wonderful time with us, having been able to achieve their training competencies and requirements in what has truly been a challenging and difficult year looking after our patients, providing round the clock care during the rise in COVID numbers and trying to adjust to the working environment post pandemic. Dr. Ray Smith had thanked all the trainees for their efforts and wished them good luck in their future endeavors encouraging them to come and work for BTHFT.

    We really hope that our trainees had been able to have made a difference to people’s lives, added value to the overall patient care and experience and most importantly felt that at BTHFT we had helped in shaping an important chapter in their training.

    Some of our trainees may stay longer but majority will be rotating to experience new adventures elsewhere and we at BTHFT sincerely hope that they would come and work with us again.

    Dr. Ali wanted to ensure like previous years, BTHFT recognised its trainees and acknowledged everyone’s contribution and celebrated their accomplishments during these trying and testing times; a small get together had been organised for all to have attended the main BRI foyer opposite Costa today for our colleagues, consultants along with our PG dept. personnel to give our trainees a proper celebratory send off and thank them for all their hard work!

    This work would have not been possible without the help and support from colleagues from our postgraduate department mainly Alida Towns and Faye Alexander.

    Also, we had asked our trainees to vote for each other or more senior grades in the following categories, i.e. colleagues senior or junior whom they thought had made some impact on their training:

    Medicine: going the extra mile award

    Dr. Sonia Moteea

    Dr.Ismail Sooltan

    Medicine: most supportive registrar/senior colleague during oncall shifts

    Dr. Sonia Moteea

    Dr. Osama Tariq

    Dr. Jenny Taylor

    Dr. Tom Slater

    Surgery: going the extra mile award

    Mr. Rizwan Iqbal

    Surgery: most supportive registrar/senior colleague during oncall shifts

    Umran Sarwar

    Mina Mesri

    Surgery: Best Educational Supervisor’s award

    Mr. Zakir Shariff

    Excellence in Compassionate Care


    Dr. Ismail Sooltan

    Dr. Patrick Reid


    Dr. Jiv Gosai

    Dr. Jo Glasgodine

    Dr. Mansoor N Ali

    Best Educational Supervisor’s award

    Dr. Robin Jeffrey

    Best Clinical Supervisor’s award

    Dr. Ahsan Syed

    Honourable Mentions

    Colleagues who have shown utmost professionalism at all times

    Dr. Jon Robinson

    Dr. Tom Stokes

    BTHFT wishes all its trainees the very best of luck and would like to thank them all for their hard work.

    Farewell to medical trainees Dr. Mansoor Ali