• Bradford Teaching Hospitals invites people to mark Ash Wednesday

    Hospital staff, patients and visitors are welcome to take part in a service of ‘Ashing’ to mark Ash Wednesday at Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI).

    The service, arranged by the Trust’s Spritual, Pastoral and Religious Care (SPaRC) team, will be held at 12.15pm on Wednesday, 5 March in the BRI Chapel, next to the main Duckworth Lane entrance. The Everyone is welcome.

    This is a traditional service of making the sign of the cross on a person’s forehead with ‘ashes’ as a symbol of repentance and commitment to live a godly life.

    Ash Wednesday is the start of the Christian season of Lent; a six-week period when Christians are called to pray, fast, and give to those in need. Lent ends with the celebration of Easter, this year on Sunday, 20 April.

    Church of England SPaRC Practitioner, Rev Steve Lees, said:

    As part of the Trust’s Lent and Easter activities we are once again holding an Ashing service to mark Ash Wednesday. Many people chose to join in this occasion last year, so we look forward to welcoming colleagues, patients and visitors again this year.