• Bradford district and Craven residents urged to get their jabs as part of the NHS ‘Big Vaccine Weekend’

    Bradford district and Craven residents urged to get their jabs as part of the NHS ‘Big Vaccine Weekend’

    People in Bradford district and Craven are being given extra opportunities to get vaccinated as part of a major national drive to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates this weekend (26-28 November).

    Hundreds of extra appointments for both boosters and first and second doses are on offer at vaccination centres across the district in the nationwide promotion – dubbed ‘The Big Vaccine Weekend.’ Some centres will also be offering walk-in appointments to make it as easy as possible for people to grab whichever jab they need.

    To date, over 362,000 people in Bradford district and Craven have had both primary doses and uptake for boosters amongst those who are eligible has also been high.

    But health chiefs hope the Big Vaccine Weekend will encourage anyone who needs a jab to come forward, particularly as Christmas festivities start to get underway.

    Karen Dawber, Senior Responsible Officer for the Vaccination Programme in Bradford district and Craven, said:

    “COVID-19 is still very much here and we hope the Big Vaccine Weekend will prompt anyone who needs a jab to come forward, whether it’s their booster or their first or second dose.

    “40-49 year olds are now eligible for booster jabs, as well as all those who are aged 50 and over, unpaid carers and people who have a health condition that puts them at increased risk from COVID-19. And the JCVI has also recommended that 16-17 year olds should have a second dose, so we know there will be lots of people in these groups who are keen to get their vaccinations as soon as possible.

    “We urge all people who are eligible for a vaccine to come forward. In particular we now know that pregnant women across the country are seeing an increase risk to both themselves and their baby if they are unvaccinated and catch Covid. Please come forward and if you are worried or concerned, we can connect you with a midwife or doctor to help you with your decision making.

    “Whichever jab you need to protect you against Covid-19, come and get it this weekend and make sure you are protected for Christmas.”

    You can book your vaccination online at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccine or by calling 119. Or if you prefer, visit www.bit.ly/VaccineWalkInClinic to find out which services will be offering walk-in appointments.


    Click on this link https://youtu.be/IBXlzz1bHbw for a video in which Rukeya Miah, deputy associate director of nursing / senior midwife at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust / Bradford District & Craven community vaccination programme, explains why it is so important for pregnant women to have their COVID vaccinations.

    [Local health, care, voluntary and local authority services are still here to help during the coronavirus pandemic. Services across Bradford district and Craven are working together to remind local people to still get in touch if they need help before their situation worsens as part of the #StillHereToHelp campaign.

    How people access services may have changed, for example, appointments with GP practices may take place over the phone or online. If you need a GP appointment, please call your local practice. Please do not attend your practice in person unless asked to do so.]