• Fire safety at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

    In light of recent events in respect of the Grenfell Tower disaster, we took advice in June from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) experts. They advised at that time that there were no NHS facilities in West Yorkshire which required intervention and inspection by the local Fire and Rescue Service.

    In July, new guidance regarding safety standards was issued by NHS Improvement. Consequently, we sent a small sample of cladding from our decontamination block, at the rear of Bradford Royal Infirmary, for testing. We were advised on Friday 28 July that this did not meet the standard expected by the test.

    In order to address any concerns, WYFRS experts visited our site and recommended minor changes to our procedures to ensure the ongoing safety of this facility. We have implemented all the required changes in relation to the decontamination block with immediate effect. These are as follows:

    · revised arrangements for the storage of waste;

    · revised arrangements for fire service attendance.

    The decontamination block met all the relevant regulations when it was built in 2015. In addition to decontamination services, the block offers some rehabilitation services and outpatient clinics during the day-time, but does not have any beds for overnight stays.

    Across our hospital sites we have a continuous staff presence, staff are trained in fire safety and evacuation procedures, fire safety systems are in use and regularly tested, and regular fire risk assessments are undertaken.

    We will continue to work closely with WYFRS to ensure the safety of our facilities for everyone who uses them.

    We would like to assure our patients, staff and visitors that their safety is our top priority.